Rather frequent crashes (DirectX related, maybe?)

Not sure when this started happening, but I'd say last few months. I started having frequent crashes, maybe one every few hours, sometimes more per hour.

It happens everywhere: maps, idling in hideout or menagerie, towns, doesn't matter.

i7 13700kf
RTX 4070
4K monitor, running at 3264x1836, set from Nvidia's image scaling (85%)

Windowed fullscreen (but fullscreen or windowed behaves the same)
No upscale
DirectX12 (but 11 behaves the same)
VSync locked
Triple-Buffering enabled
Antialising Low
Upscale NIS
Shadow + GI
Shadows Ultra
Sun Shadow High
Number of Lights High
Depth of Field Disabled
Water detail High
Texture Quality High
Texture Filtering 16x
Dynamic culling enabled
Dynamic resolution enabled
Target framerate 60 (nowhere near this)
Engine multithreading enabled

I tried various other graphic settings, but nothing really improves.

I managed to extract some info from Client.txt. Each of these are the last ones in the file, right after a crash. Not sure if all lines are relevant or I could provide more, I just extracted what looked related.

2025/02/08 11:15:57 157875046 e0a9b589 [CRIT Client 8316] [D3D12] swap_chain->Present() failed

2 (haven't gotten these anymore):
5/02/06 12:14:45 86733343 88fcefa2 [INFO Client 30464] [ENGINE] Ready
2025/02/06 12:14:45 86733343 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 30464] [STARTUP] Game Start
2025/02/06 12:14:45 86733453 ca86fd32 [DEBUG Client 30464] Rebuilding UI::Core properties. Current input mode = '1'
2025/02/06 12:14:45 86733484 951bc057 [INFO Client 30464] [STARTUP] Game in 0.127944 seconds
2025/02/06 12:14:45 86733484 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 30464] [STARTUP] Device Start
2025/02/06 12:14:45 86733484 4de187ed [INFO Client 30464] [RENDER] StartDevice: DirectX12
2025/02/06 12:14:45 86733656 10dd0919 [DEBUG Client 30464] [SHADER] Load shader cache: ShaderCacheD3D12
2025/02/06 12:14:45 86733656 6c983cfb [WARN Client 30464] [SHADER] Failed to load cache. File not found: File not found: ShaderCacheD3D12.packed/index.dat

For #1 there's nothing really relevant prior to what I provided.

For #2, just a few seconds prior, there's always one of each of these, in order (with many other logs in between, I just extracted what seemed important, can provide more):
- 2025/02/06 22:08:25 24223609 60d0dab3 [CRIT Client 13272] [WIND SYSTEM] File not found: Art/2DArt/Lookup/png/turbulence.png
- 2025/02/06 22:08:28 24226062 f2499283 [INFO Client 15968] [JOB] Irrecoverable Exception Callback: SET
- 2025/02/06 22:08:29 24227031 dacbad50 [INFO Client 15968] Changing to device "Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)"

Searching forums, I see there are quite a few posts related to Art/2DArt/Lookup/png/turbulence.png...

Let me know if I can provide more info, this is rather frustrating.
Last edited by mcswayer#7121 on Mar 5, 2025, 12:58:57 AM
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 12:57:02 AM
Could we get an --ex-crash-report for PoE1 too? Maybe it will help with some of the crashes.
Last edited by mcswayer#7121 on Feb 17, 2025, 2:01:31 PM
Getting these several times per hour sometimes, any chance of some help?

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