Game Crash Durring Loading - cpu/gpu damaged

i was running this game fine for 2 months and after christmas all of a sudden random problems so i:

dropped from 1 monitor to 2

switched from 4k to 3200x

reset gpu/cpu tried with

computer wont load any game after the hard crashes on poe 2, I had about 4 crash in one day and now cannot get into anything
-reset bios
-redownloaded windows
-installed new drivers

both gpu and cpu only seem to run at 60% now before

-event viewer starts picking up 4 errors/4critical errors resulting in voltage to cpu going insanely past set limits (my 3.8ghz can oc to 4.6comfortably, I have caught poe2 somehow passing the voltage limits resulting in my cpu being upwards of 5.4ghz before crash

-event viewer says somthing in poe2 crashed a gpu and cpu drivers almost simultainiously while on starting loading screen before char selection

tried changing my
-xmp profiles on / off / under max

-amd smart memory/nvidia counterpart alowing gpu to access cpu for additional memory from cpu normal being 256mb allocated but with these new gpu drivers

is leaving no memory for the system to run, and if so not enough for it to encounter a single error, if no errors, no problems, 1 hiccup, system failure

my memory and ssd are showing up as unidentified instead of their serial num
before the crashes this was no problem, I was running 4k,2monitors,streaming and movies no problem

gigabyte aorus 570x elite wifi gaming mobo
radeon 6700xt oc edition 2800mhz 16gddr6 -amd smart memory - 180-220wattusage
ddr4 2600mhz xmp profile to 3800mhz 4x8gig=32gig memory
asus vp27 144hz freesync extended 4k hdr monitor x2
psu bronze 90 900watt

I am not sure what to do, I think I have damaged my system on these loading screens to instant restarts with high limits too many times, I may have to replace my gpu/cpu (800$cad) not very expensive components, but they were very new and were handeling eventhing fine until this incident, and I dont have money to repair so I will be missing league start :(
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 3:21:11 AM
In game settings ive tried

gpu scaling options on an off
windowed/full screen
dynamic culling on /off
dynamic resolution on / off
game resolution 4k to 3200x1600 to 1440x1080, same crash time loading screen

launch commands ive tried


hdr on / off

freesync on/off

cpu is 3.8ghz 16 core amd5800x series
This is really concerning. The hard crash is happening to me and I paid a lot of money for my computer. They say it's fixed but it's clearly not.

I love this game but playing it is gambling with damaging my computer which I paid 3500 CAD for.

GGG, you really need to address this in extremely high priority....
I'm getting a hard crash as well. Just suddenly powers off. I created a whole thread about it. I don't get a warning or anything, just suddenly my power is off, and I have to struggle to reboot it.

I'm not sure if it's due to recent patch, as it never happened before, or if it's because my monk is now at endgame tier 9 and the amount of things on the screen are taxing the game/pc.
I cannot get into the first screen to even adjust any settings since the last update

I had 0 problems with the game until last update

game will not run even with limited fps to 60 and low res

other games im still pumping 240-300 fps

i am on all amd cpu/gpu and fsr seems to be incredibly bad,

dx11 seems to crash too often
At this point downgrading to Windows 10 is the only solution.
Tech guy
In the same boat...

I was able to play POE2 without issues, then around mid January, my computer would just shutdown after showing POE2's login screen.

After multiple hard crashes on POE2's login screen, my computer now fails to load other CPU intensive games like CS2.

Windows 10 is not a solution since I was already on Windows 10 22H2 to begin with...

I tried multiple clean installs of Windows, but I'm still unable to get POE2 or CS2 to load past the initial menu without hard crashing.

The hard crashing caused by POE2 seems to have corrupted my motherboard's BIOS and degraded the CPU.

I'll be testing the GPU and PSU on another system when I have time.

As for the CPU, it's on an ancient X58 build so finding a test bench for it is likely impossible.

This ancient build ran POE2 at ~71 fps 1080p no scaling:
Xeon X5660
HX850 Gold




PSU seems damaged.

12V rail stuck at 14V.
5V rail stuck at 6V.
3.3V rail at 2.8V.

Prolonged use of this PSU will eventually damage drives.

After further reading, this seems to be a recurring theme from POE1.

Simple Google search for: "path of exile" "psu""path+of+exile"+"psu"

Other Ref:
Last edited by kitty#8562 on Feb 14, 2025, 6:30:49 AM
exactly mid january my performance went from stable 75fps on 4k hdr

I have managed to get a stable running game but at cost of alot of performance
and my psu and gpu are showing signs of degrading after so many instant power losses

i did

--nologo (helps not load the cinematic on start)

windowed fullscreen
3200 resolution upscale to 4k with fsr

my fix seemed to be going to windows 10, something in the game is triggering my cpu into thinking its under attack by a untrusted program, the reg key ID for event manager is showing that my gpu is signalling my cpu thru poe and being blocked and shut down, going to the keyid site shows nothing except an error page on microsofts end, this is most likely due to using coding not validated in what they registered with microsoft, or that it was just coded on windows 10 and somthing is going wrong on clsid confirmation, either way its pretty bad, wont be playing until it stops draining power to a 1500$ cpu boosting mid game, nvme ssd is down 7% hp since starting this game at this rate my gpu nvme and cpu are all degrading while tring to maintain 40-60 fps
There are two threads with over 400+ pages of replies and likely over 1 million views combined at this point, about this freeze.

Would be nice if all of you can go in there and bump so that the devs will stop pretending that this issue is fixed.


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