(Solution) Advanced item tooltip toggle for PC and controller

I found a solution to toggle advanced tooltips on and off for pc on controller. This may work on console but I have only tested on pc with xbox controller.

Currently pressing L3 opens advanced item info but goes away when you release L3. This method toggles it instead.

Open stash or inventory and Press X on any currency item and press L3 for 1 second. Advanced item info should now be toggled on. To toggle off just tap L3 again.

This is probably a bug but it works as of today.
Last edited by Bungienuts#7800 on Feb 6, 2025, 11:04:25 PM
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 7:16:37 PM
I can't seem to get this to work on PC. I somehow got it stuck to always show advanced a bit ago after the update and assumed it was part of the update. I was an incredibly happy exile due to that, but apparently it wasn't intended. So I tried to recreate it and could not.

I did a search and found this post and was hoping it would work but it doesn't. Is there some trick because the steps listed just aren't getting me anywhere.

Edit: UPDATE: Ok so it does work, but since I am using a DualSense it's Square not X. A better way to word it would be this:

- Activate a currency item as if you're going to use it
- Press L3 and hold it for 1 second at least
- Success, item levels and affix tiers will now ALWAYS display

This is a great find until GGG adds this feature to the game, which would be an easy W for them.
Last edited by Arximiro#4227 on Feb 16, 2025, 7:25:57 PM

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