Ignite Infernalist Feedback

For an ascendancy that sounds like it goes hand in hand with ignite its a shame that only one node really affects YOUR ignite.

Infernal Flame:
As its a replacement of mana and max scales with max mana, why does mana regen not increase the rate at which it drains, allowing you to avoid hitting max much more effectively, and adding an axis of scaling/problem solving. Especially if you don't want to have the nodes which require mid-high flame.

Used as my first ascendancy, was nice passive burn damage. But it really doesn't do a ton other than allow you to use your unused minion gems (the ones that aren't bugged). Because you need all the passives in the tree just to make ignite decent. I'm not quite sure what the point of it is once you are doing 10x the damage it is. There's so much passive investment required to try and scale it's burn, meatshield is the only easy source of life scaling for it.

Fire Skills:
Fireball really feels like the only contender for an ignite on hit skill. Its a good ability to apply ignite (esp with wildfire) and can do minor ignites off its extra proj. Every other skill is essentially a burn rather than an ignite, conditional consistent dps.
Solar orb is only an exposure applicator for me, as it does lackluster damage with its pulses.
Firestorm is a joke of an ability, no damage and has a limit of 1. I only use it with the blind support to blind groups of enemies, not for damage.
Ember Fussilade is not a viable main skill as it requires tree investment, and as ignite you don't have points to spare.
Incinerate was good early but its not better enough to make it worth being in melee.

Most fire spells feel weak even with full investment. The ONLY option to scale ignite is full crit and gem levels. There is a serious lack of axii for scaling ignites on the tree, having only 4 ignite magnitude nodes within reasonable range on a lvl 70 char is pretty bleh. Esp when the other elements have serious game changing nodes fairly nearby. Seems like fire was a "oh yeah we almost forgot that" archetype. Lets not forget that ignite builds don't get chill/shock as a minor ailment. The ONLY thing it gets is ignite, and its currently not good enough to reasonably make fire an archetype you should choose.
Last bumped on Feb 6, 2025, 3:48:05 PM

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