It's been TWO MONTHS since PoE2 released and Warrior is STILL GARBAGE???

When are the buffs to mace skills, armor, warrior talent tree (e.g., removing attack speed decrease nodes) coming?

When is SPIN TO WIN coming?
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 7:37:09 PM
POE 2 hasn't released. Still got most of the year left at a minimum before that occurs. It's been 2 months since Early Access started. No balance patch has occurred yet, so, yeah, things are still in the same state they were.
POE 2 hasn't released.

Semantics. It released into "early access" - its still open to the buying public to play.

It's been 2 months . . . No balance patch has occurred yet

Utterly insane that GGG thought it could go two months without a major balance patch. This ain't PoE1, they need to patch faster.
Semantics matter. It's not available to the paying public to play right now as a released product. Being in Early Access means something:

"Early Access
Early Access is a unique development model that allows games to be played as they progress towards a full release. Early Access encourages ongoing updates from developers, while letting players participate in direct feedback through gameplay and community involvement.

Best Practices
These are some of the best practices that can help players when participating Early Access. In general, these are the types of things players should do before making any purchase on Steam.

Know what you are buying - With Early Access games, you are going to be playing a work-in-progress. You should consider what the game is like to play right now. Look at the screenshots and trailers to see what the game looks like in its current state. There are a lot of ways a game can change as it develops over time, so if you aren't excited to play the game in its current state, then hold off and wait until a future update or full release.

How will I know when an Early Access game will be finished?
Its up to the developer to determine when they are ready to leave Early Access. Some developers have a concrete deadline in mind, while others will get a better sense as the development of the game progresses. You should be aware that some developers will be unable to 'finish' their game. So you should only buy an Early Access game if you are excited about playing it in its current state."

If folks are not happy with the idea that it is not at all a finished product and cannot and should not be treated as such, don't participate in Early Access. They have a full balance patch and economy reset they're working on currently; they have 3 full acts, 6 classes, 12 ascendancies, and at least 2 additional trial modes yet to come. And that's just the stuff off the top of my head.

There is no guarantee on the timeline of *any* of that. Once a balance patch *does* hit, next one might be 4-6 months out. Seriously, it is not a finished game. They have made that very clear. Not on them if folks aren't getting it.
Mace skills do feel pretty bad. I don't think it's really the skills or passives or numbers. It's that everything in the game is designed against it. Fighting monsters that drop damage over time puddles feels bad. Fighting rares with volatile plants feels bad. Fighting monsters behind monsters feels bad. None of these are issues for ranged or minions or spells. It's like the whole game is designed to make the current use of maces miserable, and maces have to re-find their role in this game.

Right now, I'm running a mace user, and doing okay. It's a 2 button build: Basic Attack + Corpse Explosion.
IGN: Royal_Princess, Princess_of_Wraeclast, Vaal_Princess, Diamond_Princess
Last edited by ac429#4687 on Feb 6, 2025, 5:35:31 PM
There is no guarantee on the timeline of *any* of that. Once a balance patch *does* hit, next one might be 4-6 months out. Seriously, it is not a finished game. They have made that very clear. Not on them if folks aren't getting it.

It's too slow. Warrior could be fixed tomorrow if they really put their mind to it.

Increase every Mace Skill attack speed by 200%.
Increase every Mace Skill AoE by at least 100%.
Hyper Armor during Mace Skill attacks that have long windups or charges so you can't be CC'd during them.
Remove Armor Movement Speed Penalty.
Buff Character Armor DR by at least 100%.
Remove Attack Speed Penalties in Warrior Tree.
Increase Life in tree by 300%.
Add some movement speed talents to Warrior Tree.
Revert Armor Explosion nerf.

They could do all of that and Warrior would still be behind 1-button spark and minion builds.

It's too slow. Warrior could be fixed tomorrow if they really put their mind to it.

Increase every Mace Skill attack speed by 200%.
Increase every Mace Skill AoE by at least 100%.
Hyper Armor during Mace Skill attacks that have long windups or charges so you can't be CC'd during them.
Remove Armor Movement Speed Penalty.
Buff Character Armor DR by at least 100%.
Remove Attack Speed Penalties in Warrior Tree.
Increase Life in tree by 300%.
Add some movement speed talents to Warrior Tree.
Revert Armor Explosion nerf.

They could do all of that and Warrior would still be behind 1-button spark and minion builds.

Well yeah Spark builds are going to be nerfed into the ground with the balance patch. Like no joke losing 95% of their power or thereabouts. They kill bosses in 4 seconds or less when the target time is 90-180. They’re in line not just for a triple tap but like a quintuple one.

So I wouldn’t base *anything* on that. As to minion builds, they *suck* during campaign. I played a mace build through act 2, and a minion one. The minion one was a far, far worse experience. In terms of endgame, I can’t speak to it. But again it’s literally never received a balance patch. If you find the pace of development to be too slow, that’s fine - might want to play other games, come back when the game actually releases. Personally I’d rather they take their time and do things right, build the best game it can be, than just shoving stuff out the door to meet some arbitrary expectations as to the pacing of development.
Last edited by GiantOctopodes#2562 on Feb 7, 2025, 1:39:51 AM
When are the buffs to mace skills, armor, warrior talent tree (e.g., removing attack speed decrease nodes) coming?

When is SPIN TO WIN coming?

Spin to win will be an axe skill.
We can't have nice things because the other half of the playerbase will complain their builds are being nerfed in EA. Plan on balance always being an issue just as with every other ARPG.
warrior bad
also warrior 1 hit ko everything and rekt bossess
IGN: UgaBugaMajkaFaja

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