Tab Purchasing oopsies

So i was just curious if anyone has bought double of a special tab before and if they ever had it fixed by support. i never realised it confirmed the 1st time and i bought 2 of the gem and 2 of the currency tabs like a dumb dumb.
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 6:13:58 PM
GGG will definitely fix that for you. Toss a forum DM to 'Support'.
Hey there, I'm sorry to hear that! Could you please email us at so we can look into this matter for you?
Need help with something? Feel free to email us:
its been 2 weeks and no reply from 2 emails..
Same here. I even sent a third email from a separate account and now I have an issue of a guild point donation not applying but still took my points. No response on either issue.
Vash_GGG wrote:
Hey there, I'm sorry to hear that! Could you please email us at so we can look into this matter for you?
any ideas

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