POE2 Crashes so far

I think that it is finally time to post my experience since there are a lot of crashes.
At the beginning there were a couple of crashes when going into a map, here and there, but with time this became more and more frequent.
So I started going on forums and tried every damn thing there was from others experience and "personal" fixes.
I am on Win10 and it is not in my Bucket list to go to 11, at least not yet.
In the Big patch it was mentioned that some fixes were made for some of the crashes, but on my part these crashes were even more frequent, even after a crash I got multiple crashes upon loading the game and had at least 3 crashes only to get into the hideout to have another one when entering the ongoing map.
Ok, so my only option is mostly to stay in Hideout and Craft/Trade/Gamble with Vaals as it is a pleasure to have something made that is worth something in the market.
Got a bit of profit from this, so it was rewarding as at least something went right.
I even helped a friend with close to 100 divs so he can also buy an Astramentis.
But now, the latest patch came 14 hours ago, and from time to time when I want to buy or sell something, I invite someone in my party and when that person joins my Hideout, guess what, 50% of the time, the very moment the person is ported into my instance, The Game Crashes!!! How can it get worse that it already was?
At some point, I didn't mind to do 5-10 maps in the evening due to the constant crashes and just stay afk in Hideout for things to sell during the day as I can work and just accept a trade midday, but this is getting out of hand.
It is already to much with these crashes, I think I am having 100+ per day
Also POE1 had the same issue, I tested it and at some point I uninstalled it.
And I am most certain that is not a PC problem, as it is the ONLY game that has crashes.
I have also cleared the cache, reinstalled the game, clean installation, reinstalled windows, compatibility mode, accelerated GPU on/off, changes to the Nvidia settings, external tools did squat for me as my pc did not freeze even once, the game crashes and that's it plus everything there is in all Steam/GGG/Reddit Forums + Videos, done and done.
In conclusion, I will take a break until this is fixed.
I understand that this is Early Access and I don't mind having glitches or similar issues until the full release, it's part of the process, but I expect to be able to play it.
I really like the game and community plus the architecture of every aspect from leveling to endgame.
It is a great game, but at this moment I cannot enjoy any of it :(
Please provide a fix.
Last bumped on Feb 5, 2025, 2:51:12 PM
I cant stop crashing every 5 mins. doing nothing in my hideout o anywhere

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