Cannot see or pick up items

After the latest patch I can hear items drop but I cannot see them or pick them up. This is apparent on mapping. I tried a lower level character and I saw items but not on anything level 65+.
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 12:31:09 PM
After the latest patch I can hear items drop but I cannot see them or pick them up. This is apparent on mapping. I tried a lower level character and I saw items but not on anything level 65+.

You tried holding Z or Alt to see if they show up. If the sound is there the loot dropped for sure. Also it sounds like you're using a filter. With the recent patch the option for loot toggle might have reset so check your settings.
I was having this same problem last night, I thought it was a issue like the mini map fog of war not saving when you return to town. I managed to get it working on my PC version by resetting options to default. everything came back to the way it was. I went on my PS5 version and I am still having the issues. There is no option to reset to defaults on PS5 options. I don't know how to fix it. I tried un installing the game and re-installing it but that didn't work.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue on the PS5?

EDIT: I am using the neversink filters on both systems. Same filter. When I turn on the filters I can see beams of light indicating items but I do not see the item. When I turn off the filter the beam disappears and I can still not see the item.

Second EDIT: I decided to uninstall the game again and re-install on the PS5. It worked. I can once again pick up items but I don't understand why this worked the second time and not the first time.
Last edited by LycanAtheist#2559 on Feb 9, 2025, 12:41:06 PM

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