Suggestions - additional dedicated controller keybinds + general QoL

0.1.1c was a huge win for controller QoL. Here are a few more suggestions to keep us going in the right direction.

Skills menu - these are the only 2 keybinds not currently being used by another action

Y/triangle - manage sockets
RT/R2 - open the advanced skill info panel for the skill you're hovering over
- side note, once in the advanced skill info panel it would be nice if up and down actually cycled up and down through the skills instead of both resulting in cycling down through every skill before wrapping back around. it's easy to forget to click RS before trying to scroll down in that skill, resulting in accidentally cycling to the next skill, and it's cumbersome to get back to it without the dedicated keybind i suggested


Fix the currently overlapping keybinds of LT/RT to move the location of the stash tab you're hovering over and LT + LS click to reset keyword search. reset keyword search doesn't actually function and it just moves the tab to the left.

General QoL

- A stat summary from nodes you've selected in the passive tree (+X% crit chance, +X% crit damage, +X% elemental damage, % increased magnitude of X you inflict, etc). No idea if this is already in the "i" button in the top right of the passive tree because controller players have no way to select anything that isn't a node.

- 0.1.1c removed the massive "edit hideout" bar in the bottom of your screen when you're in your hideout which is great. I made the mistake of clicking LS to see if the functionality was removed altogether and the massive bar came back and stayed until i closed the game. Maybe add a 5 second timer to have the bar disappear again after editing hideout

- This one might be pretty niche because i use a bluetooth keyboard with my xbox that allows functionality outside of what can be done with controller alone. the update increased font size for certain things when playing on controller. this change made the F1 performance stat graph almost as big as the corner map. please revert this back to its original size or give us a settings option to pick which font size we want. i personally like being able to see my fps and other performance data while playing but the enlarged graph takes up way too much screen space.
Last bumped on Feb 6, 2025, 2:23:58 PM
update on General QoL #2. after logging back into the game the massive edit hideout bar is still there.
The game really needs the ability to keybind L3 and R3 for combat binds.

two of the most important binds in any competitive game on controller not being used at all in combat is so odd.

actually very surprised to not see this with recent controller QoL changes, im really hoping and assuming we can bind L3 and R3 to what skill we want by release.
BC_Boy_#9318 wrote:
The game really needs the ability to keybind L3 and R3 for combat binds.

two of the most important binds in any competitive game on controller not being used at all in combat is so odd.

actually very surprised to not see this with recent controller QoL changes, im really hoping and assuming we can bind L3 and R3 to what skill we want by release.

that would be nice, especially since you lose a skill bind slot to interact if you want any chance to interact with something with enemies around. R3 is currently used to show your current XP progression info. if they did allow L3/R3 to be bound to skills, i would want to be able to bind the xp progression info to another button and not lose that function altogether.
Just to add a couple more QoL suggestions:

Either a refunded waystone, upon completion, of the same level used to open a map, or a guaranteed waystone drop of the same level waystone used to open the map. It's a bit of a letdown to use a T10 waystone, with 275% waystone drop rate, and get a white T2 and a white T5 for a full completion.

Better loot quality. The quantity of loot is fine, but the quality is severely lacking at lower levels. Several of my friends have stopped playing due to being at the end of act II, on their first playthrough, and not being able to advance past the boss because the handful of rare drops they've had, weren't useful for their builds/classes. They don't use the marketplace, because they don't have exalts, divines, or an hour of game time to throw away on the horrible market experience. The players who don't have countless hours to play every day, need a market where items can be purchased immediately, rather than waiting on someone to reply to a message that had to be send from out out of game website. If a game forces a player to leave the game to use what should be an ingame function, that's time a player isn't in your game. The less time they're playing, the less likely they are to return. (I'm retired and have the luxury of too much free time, lol).

Some form of combat log. Your game is still full of mystery one shot kills from things you can't see.

Speaking of things you can't see, and maps with patches of lightning, is about impossible to see if you're playing as, or with, a sparkcaster. Maybe an increased glow to dangerous ground effects, or a different color?, or moving their layer to the top, rather than the bottom of the map.

Just a few things for the "list". I know some of them are already on there, but squeaky wheel and all that :)

Other than a few gripes (and a few occasional game breaking bugs) I'm loving the game so far and see a ton of potential. Keep up the good work.

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