
Has anyone else had the bug in the simulacrum where it doesn't go to the next road and wont let you start the round? Or where thebportals to go to even start the simulacrum disappear before you can even go through? I have had the first problem happen 2 times and the second happen once. So in total I have lost 3 simulacrum from these bugs all in a row. I have video of the first problem where I'm trying to start the round and nothing happens.
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 8:41:51 AM
Same here... Finished wave 3, loot dropped, portal to hideout disappeared, stash not spawning (just showing on minimap) and, most importantlz, noting to start wave 4... Feels great to get stuck here and loose the simulacrum, specially after doing 150-200 maps to even farm the thing...

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