Chayula’s Hand Skill: Damage and Targeting Issue While Moving

Path of Exile 2 Bug Report: Chayula’s Hand Skill Issue

Chayula’s Hand Skill: Damage and Targeting Issue While Moving

1. Summary of the Issue:
The skill Chayula’s Hand is not functioning as intended when used while moving. Specifically, the skill fails to deal damage or connect with nearby enemies during activation if the character is in motion. The skill works as expected when used stationary, but the issue becomes more prominent in dynamic combat situations. This problem appears to have been exacerbated by recent equipment changes.

2. Detailed Description:
• Conditions:
• The Chayula’s Hand skill is designed to strike nearby enemies by dashing to them when triggered.
• When stationary, the skill triggers successfully and deals damage as expected. However, while moving, the skill frequently fails to hit enemies or deal any damage, making it feel as though the skill “misses.”
• After equipping a new ring with increased attack speed and attack rate per second, the issue has become significantly more frequent.
• Possible Causes:
1. Increased attack rate and reduced attack time seem to cause timing conflicts or targeting errors.
2. Positional desync or targeting miscalculation while moving could explain the failure to connect with enemies.
3. Specific equipment modifiers may indirectly interfere with the skill’s targeting or damage mechanics.
• Attempts to Address the Issue:
• Enabling the “Use While Stationary” option reduced the frequency of the problem but did not resolve it entirely.
• Prior to the ring upgrade, the issue was less noticeable, but the new ring (featuring increased attack speed and attack rate per second) has made the problem more prominent.

3. Reproduction Steps:
1. Equip Chayula’s Hand skill.
2. Disable the “Use While Stationary” setting.
3. Activate the skill while moving near enemies.
4. Observe that the skill frequently fails to hit enemies or deal damage.
5. Re-enable the “Use While Stationary” setting and test again to confirm improved, but not perfect, functionality.

4. Environment Details:
• Character Name: Arctic_Monks
• Skill: Chayula’s Hand
• Equipment: Ring with increased attack speed and attack rate per second
• Game Version: Path of Exile 2 (latest as of February 5, 2025)
• Occurrence Rate: Approximately 70% of activations fail while moving.

5. Expected Behavior:
The Chayula’s Hand skill should consistently strike nearby enemies and deal damage, regardless of whether the character is stationary or in motion.

6. Additional Information:
• This issue has been confirmed by multiple players in my guild and community.
• Equipment with specific modifiers, such as increased attack speed or attack rate, might be contributing to the issue.
• We suspect the problem is related to targeting mechanics or attack timing.

7. Attachments:
• Screenshots of skill and equipment setups.
• Video recording of the issue (available upon request).

8. Request for Resolution:
We kindly request that this issue be reviewed and addressed. If additional information or testing is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Submitted by:
• Character Name: Arctic_Monks
• Submission Date: February 5, 2025
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 4:35:25 AM
Yeah, I have observed similar situations with all of the unarmed skills. In my experience, what seems to happen is that your character or the target can end up being displaced by the movement of other enemies, causing the actual strike to fail to make contact with the target. Additionally, Hand of Chayula seems to be specifically coded to only hit a single target, likely due to the way that marks work. I've had cases when I used killing palm against an enemy in cull range that was close enough to a second enemy to hit them both, as well as times i've seemingly forced a heavy stun on two enemies simultaneously with Staggering Palm. Sometimes i've failed to hit a target but seemingly hit a different one- though it's hard to tell if this was not just the result of accidentally having targeted the "incorrect" enemy in the heat of combat.

With that said, I do not personally notice any correlation between attack speed or being in motion when using the skill and having it "miss". I actually find that it performs extremely smoothly when under the effects of an Acceleration Shrine, to the point where I feel like it works more consistently when used at higher attack speeds, because there is less delay between using the skill and performing the dash. As for being in motion, I can't say i've ever noticed a connection. To be fair, I also am pretty much always in motion.
I can confirm that I'm experiencing the same issue and have been since launch day.

I will also add that having hand of chayula on my weaponswap makes this issue worse, by orders of magnitude.

In my last map I've counted approximately 7 out of 10 uses of the skill do not connect since moving it to my weaponswap.
Something occurred to me and I wanted to follow up on my original response.

I mentioned that I do not observe any sort of correlation between the skill's functionality and whether or not I am moving when I use it- one thing I did not consider at the time is that I am using WASD controls- it's entirely possible that the issue you describe is only occurring when using the click to move control scheme.

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