Can the client be improved to eliminate on crash deaths?

Today was playing my SSFHC toon, enjoying every minute of it, went into T16 Harvest, see a boss, open it, fight the boss and midway through the fight my client crashes. I log in. Character is dead.

I hate this, it 100% destroyed my will to play SSFHC or HC. Like theres no point to it when your character can be deleted by a game crash and the game crashes atleast once a day in 3.25 for reasons unkown.. there is no log eighter to check what caused the crash or to send a report for this.

Ive seen multiple streamers getting their characters deleted by a crash and im still amazed this can happen a decade after the launch of the game.

Why cant the client be more like POE2? Ive had multiple game crashes in POE2, my SSFHC characters never died because of them, the game eighter paused or threw my character into my hideout in 0.01seconds.
Mathils actual cat
Last bumped on Feb 4, 2025, 10:47:49 PM
It would be easy (for competent programmer) to do this for most crashs.

It working better in PoE2 (if it does, dont play myself) may just be a symptom of the removal of the 6(?) second disconnect timer though. Not that there is a good reason for this 6(?) second timer existing in PoE1.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!

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