BUG POE2 Unable to interract with the Relic Altar at the trial of Sekhema

Relic Altar issue
I can't interact with the Altar.
The bug occurred after opening a new run, but didn't enter the trial, and left the zone.
Since then I've been unable to interact with the Altar, it just doesn't open up the window where you insert the Djin Barya.
The issue is since devs removed the instance reset option, I'm stuck and unable to reset the character.
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 8:47:51 PM
Same Problem , cant click on the altar and cant reset instance because of the patch theres no way to change.

And iam in an Instance of a other player which runs his stuff . i can join his runs without beeing in his group ..........

Fix it plz this problem have so many people
Same here. I just got it today. It's probably something with instances. I have joined the party to trade. The seller was in the Sekhema Trial. After I left the party after the trade, I could no longer interact with the altar. When I join the trial in act 3, I can still see the seller standing there (even tho I'm not in the party anymore). When I join the trial in act 3 cruel, I don't see the seller, but it shows my icon still in the act 3 map. It's like I'm stuck in the instance...

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