Even did a Clean brand new, Win10 install instead of Win11.. STILL CRASHING

Come on...

WTF is going on.

First I cleaned up my Win 11.. still getting crashed in poe1 and 2.

Fine fine.. Full System wipe, install Win 1o then. B/c surely it's just a win 11 problem.

Load up POE1.. ok.. CRASH...

Last bumped on Feb 4, 2025, 4:23:49 PM
PC Specs?

What graphics settings?
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
xjjanie#4242 wrote:
PC Specs?

What graphics settings?

13900k, 3080, 64gb, ssd's etc etc. Decent machine. 0 point in listing it all out. I've also tried all versions with vulcan, dx11, dx12, etc.

I've tried poeuncrasher, I've used process lasso to limit which cores, all the things. ALL THE THINGS.

Just mostly venting. Not looking for a solution b/c I don't expect there to be one till some new patches and fixes. B/c everything on my end that I could try... I have.

This is across poe1 and 2. Same issues. Only game with issues.

unless you have some magical unlisted anywhere fix. I've probably done it. Even tried things from post from crashes last year.. b/c why not. I have done troubleshooting and tech support for a living.

It's something on the POE programing side at this point.

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