Combine Accounts

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

Why do I have 2 accounts? Why does the package I bought from Steam appear in another account?

This is not a situation I caused. I just connected my account on Steam. It is not the fault of any user to have such a problem. Please fix this error. I don't want to lose my enthusiasm for the game.

Could you please combine my two accounts and let me know whether I should play on Steam or your setup lunch?

My Steam account : Soulriver#5748
which I bought King of the Faridun Supporter Pack

Ordered: King of the Faridun Supporter Pack
Total cost: 45.99USD

My another account I was thinking ıt is the same network

Ordered: Path of Exile 2 Early Access Supporter Pack
Total cost: 14.99USD

I have my character on Soulriver#8783 account by the way
My character nickname : _SOUL_RIVER_

I have spent so much time on it. Please combine them. I really love this game, and you did a great job here. Thanks for everything.

NOT: I have already send an email to support. It has been really long time. Because of that I send a feedback from forum. Please be advised.

Best Regards.
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 8:46:50 PM
Hi there, we aren't able to assist with account-related issues over the forums. If you've already contacted us via email at then I'm afraid you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We're currently handling a large volume of tickets right now so we really appreciate your patience in the meantime!

We've made a post about this recently:

We apologise for any delays in our response and any inconvenience you've experienced as a result.
I have the same problem, and I haven't received a response for weeks. They are not providing any solutions at all.
Oh, my God. I just read all the forum they have been waiting almost 60 days without any answer. Oh, my God. I'm losing all my hope. Is it so hard to make a fix with codes just to merge 2 accounts? You can put a click link to the website or to the game to merge the 2 account. Do not answers any question just focus on this idea by this way you would answer almost 70% unreaded e-mail.
GGG just want to point out that we are scared to buy a new game. 45 usd or 15 usd is nothing, you can keep it but how can we open the new account based on past experience... Please keep this in your mind you are loosing huge community.

I would like to support as much as I can but I realy afraid of to get same issue. please understand our concerns. there is no guarantee that I will not have the same problem if I delete everything and open a new account.
Been waiting since Dec 22, 2024. Support contacted me for account details then have never replied since. Worst customer support I've ever dealt with.
What kind of questions did they ask to you? I send my account names charecter name and order numbers. I hope those information will be enough to solve issue in my stuation .
What kind of questions did they ask to you? I send my account names charecter name and order numbers. I hope those information will be enough to solve issue in my stuation .

Hi, I also sent them the names of my characters, I've been waiting for a day now
Did anyone get response from support about this case ?

I received a response recently, and the response is that they can't do anything, they can't merge accounts, they can't transfer characters.
If they realy send same email to me it would be my end of the poe2 journey saddly. It is not our mistake. It's not our fault. incompatibility between steam and themselves.

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