Bug in trial of sekhema gauntlet

In a gauntlet on the 4th floor of the trial of the sekhema which starts by 2 turning flamethrowers, I get to a combination of blue/green door which gives access to a white lever (which in turn would open a door on the right that would enable carrying on the gauntlet.

After having the levers put on the positions green blue (it involves passing throuh a corridor where an red lever is also involved, with opening and closing doors), the door does not open but I can pass through the door on its side. Th animation is the "off" as I see the character partially actioning the white lever and then being put back out of the small area where the white lever is. The whiote door never opens and you can't go further in the trial.

I do not know what is not working, but the animations are clearly not behaving the way they should.
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 2:06:02 AM
For information, I am still not certain how it works as far as animations are concerned but I have found a way around: if you start by activating the white circle close to the white door and then activate the blue/green lever, once the arrow in the white circle has finished turning around it teleports you through the closed door back to the central area at a point where the door giving access to the white lever is still open.
I am not certain it is the way it is inteded to work or not, as the animation which enables you to go through the white door while it is closed is still in place, whatever the teleporting mechanism linked to the white circle is doing. If someone thinks it's normal that you become "immaterial" after standing in the white circle, could you please confirm?

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