Rituals - SCAAAM?

I've been farming Rituals maps (min. lvl:80) ONLY for approximately two weeks. Each my tower has a Ritual Precursor Tablet with the following guaranteed minimum (1 divine each tablet):

- 8-10 maps in range contain Ritual Altars.
- Ritual Favours in your maps have a 9-10% increased chance to contain Omens.
See my typical map stats below:

On day one, I got:
1x Omen of Whittling
1x Omen of Sinistral Erasure, which I couldn't even defer after my three re-rolls because the cost was over 2,000 Tribute.

And then... nothing valuable for TWO WEEKS of farming Rituals! It doesn't seem like a random outcome, more like a hard-coded limitation for some reason. Statistically, this should be impossible.
Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 6:01:11 PM
Nothing valuable doesn't mean no Omen appeared, I'm pretty sure you had an omen once in a while (seems to be once every 3-4 maps without increased chance) but you ignored them because it wasn't a valuable Omen or ones you're looking for, they do count in the average. If you're looking for uncommon omens at least understand that these are rare and increased drop rate will only help a little.
Tech guy
10% increased chance is not the same as 10% chance. If the base chance is 1%, then 10% increased chance means 1.1%.
Guys, nothing valuable for two weeks means pointless farming, waste of time, that’s the point. I only mentioned the chance for Omens and farming at minimum level 80 as proof that my Ritual farming was somewhat optimized.
But Rituals seem to be crap as...
I agree since recent hotfix patches the past 1-2 weeks I have not seen an audience after COUNTLESS ritual maps. I use to see them every 10-20 at max. Now I am probably 60-70 maps and yet to see one or a rare omen. Something was stealth changed or RNG just fell off hard. I really doubt RNG could be this bad when it never has been before. Something just does not feel right.
Rituals are prob the worst of all the end game mechanics.
It should be obviously changed to have guaranteed 1-3 omen drops per ritual since most of the omens are pure hot garbage anyways.

The other obvious change that needs to happen is that there shouldn't be anything that costs over 2k except for the audience.

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