The Poe 1 League will last a week with most players, then drop to 5%, the priority is Poe 2
The question is for players who want Poe League 1 and are not interested in advancing and improving Poe 2.
Why do they need a Path of Exile League 1 if it's only going to last a week with the majority of players and then drop from 100% to 10/5% active players or less? If the creators need money for their expenses and to keep improving Path of Exile 2, they will surely enable Poe League 1 and I'd rather they speed up the release of a Path of Exile League 2 than have a rushed Path of Exile League 1 in a short time because a minority bothers the creators. GG should focus on Poe 2 using 90% of their employees and only use 10% for Poe 1 by putting 10% of the leagues in one and in their next league another 10% of different leagues in one and so on until they reach 100% and then repeat the same for those who only want to play Path of exile 1. The ones affected by not having a Path of Exile 1 League are the streamers who compete for money and create events and make content supposedly showing builds that they create, when in reality they copy and modify the same one a bit. Last edited by jorge22#4493 on Jan 30, 2025, 5:42:55 PM Last bumped on Jan 31, 2025, 4:07:58 PM
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People playing your game isn't actually what generates revenue. It's when they spend. If they only play for a week but all buy supporter packs because they're happy, then that's a good thing. Half of the playerbase of PoE2 is PoE1 players coming back to have something to do. If you abandon PoE1 you're gonna have a really bad time when most people are tired of playing the worse game. At this rate nobody is going to buy any supporter packs because they feel betrayed.
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" If what I'm missing makes my point clearer: The question is for players who want Poe League 1 and are not interested in advancing and improving Poe League 2. Why do they need a Path of Exile League 1 if it's only going to last a week with the majority of players and then drop from 100% to 10/5% active players or less? If the creators need money for their expenses and to keep improving Path of Exile 2, they will surely enable Poe League 1 and I'd rather they speed up the release of a Path of Exile League 2 than have a Path of Exile League 1 rushed out in a short time because a minority is bothering the creators. |
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"i see in my crystal ball that a poe 1 league would have 90% player drop therefore it s not worth to invest in it"
ok dude. |
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" You realize the drop-off is good right? People come, have fun with the game for a couple weeks (probably buy a supporter pack) and then go do something else. This cycle happening every couple months is literally what enabled PoE2 to exist. |
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" But the are loyal returning customers. They play every league, some even 16 hours a day to reach their goal. Then play another game and be back for the new league. Now go and play your rollslop and let people be sad about the death of the best ARPG of all times. Last edited by MaxW81#9965 on Jan 31, 2025, 2:20:57 AM
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I mean you've literally pulled a figure out of your proverbial that has no foundation in fact. For the last 8 leagues PoE1 have never lost more than 50% after 1 week except kalandra I think. Conversely PoE2 has gone from a Steam player count of 578k peak to a pitiful 163k and since yesterday we're sitting at 116k (might go up as the day progresses). And yes that's more players than a PoE1 league. But where do you think the 415k players who are now not playing PoE2 are?? Without a fresh PoE1 league to attract them, they are definitely not playing a GGG game, which is just bad for PoE1 and PoE2 no matter what way you want to spin it.
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Just before the PoE 2 EA Start, I thought, i would never login in to PoE, because PoE 2 had already a good Endgame (ggg advertised it) they told us, that we only get 3 of 6 acts but a good endgame...
And the campaign was great, but the endgame... They copied Leagues from PoE 1 but they are worse. Just compare Expedition from PoE 1 vs. PoE 2 How is this possible? TLDR: PoE 2 Endgame sucks so I want to play PoE 1 again, and in a few hours Phox start a Private League I will join. Phox Private League Start: Jan 31th 05:00 PM Europe, 40 Days Duration Players 9155 / 9500 |
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" If you like repeating content, which will receive fewer changes each year, keep playing it, but I repeat, criticizing a game that is not finished and that has not yet added leagues, I find it ridiculous and even more so from a player who started in 2012, I assume that you are one of those who do not like changes and receiving improvements to the game, you are part of the Minority. |
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Not sure at all how you coming to your conclusions. Looks to me that right now poe 2 is not comparable at all with poe 1 in terms of entertainment factor. And that is what matters.
Ofc people will be happily playing poe 1 leagues over and over even for 2 - 3 weeks if they find it entertaining and will have fun doing it. What leads you to conclusion that 95% of people will be leaving poe 1 league after week one? And what leads you to conclusion that majority of people will rather play boring, slow as f..., tedious and unrewarding game over and over again and will stick to playing it? So far don't look like that most people would want to enjoy going through campaign in poe 2 multiple times at all. Poe 2 might become eventually entertaining and adequate "replacement" of poe 1. But that will take ages imo. Definitely not happening in months, we are almost for sure talking years here and not few of those. And not clear at all if it will ever actually really happen. I personally am not looking forward to playing any arpg at snail pace while all the time dodge rolling over and over like an imbecile. And I do not intend to touch arpg which has no crafting in it... Or no real tools to adjust build and game content to my image and desires. Simply things for which i do love playing poe 1. And i could continue for a long time here. Poe 2 has very long way to go. Better looks don't make better game. D4 is not better game than D2 just because it is newer and looks better. Base frame of poe 2 looks somewhat promising, but depends only on what they build on it if it will become a game worth playing. And in that sense i don't see many reasons to be optimistic so far. |
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