You sacrificed player trust for rollslop

Basically you lied to PoE1 players for many month...
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 6:16:21 PM
It's the same crap GGG pulled between Exilecon 2019 and Exilecon 2023. They first announced PoE 2 as an extension and an improvement to PoE, "One game, two campaigns."

Then, after keeping us in anticipation of those stated aims for four, long years, they announced that PoE 2 was gonna be a separate game, completely ignoring all the reasons they stated in 2019 for keeping the sequel part of the same game (and which have now been shown to have been correct, vis a vis splitting the community). According to what Jonathan Rogers said in an interview after the second announcement, GGG knew they were going to change those plans about a year after the initial announcement, sort of like how they knew that they hadn't done a lick of work on 3.26 but still kept us thinking it would come in February.

I once placed wholehearted faith in everything GGG said about the game. Now, I take it for granted that they may well be actively deceiving us at any time. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Last edited by Raycheetah#7060 on Jan 30, 2025, 10:46:28 AM
Play for the first time in years.

Twenty minutes in... receive frost blink as a reward... without being level gated... without having to design an entire build to fit it into...

I kept saying socketed gear just works... I forgot how well it works... it just... works. Slots aren't gem bound, levels just require it being used while equipped, pulling it out doesn't fill your inventory with 6 gems... taking your weapon out doesn't unsocket the entire chain. I know rolling for color and links was rough for a long time, but it's not any better gating 5? socket gems behind one of the rarest drops as a counter argument to that, lol.

I get retiring and burn out, but that doesn't mean I can't speculate on why POE2 is the way it is, along with what's really left to GGG other than the brand name at this stage. I don't buy products based on brand names.

If people are going to spout about GGG lying could you provide "proof" of said lie and why you think it is a lie because from what i've seen no lies have been told, it's just plain hyperbole form players looking to hate or worse, straight up misunderstanding what was said (either language barrier or just too dumb to understand the words)
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Last edited by lagwin1980#2224 on Feb 1, 2025, 4:55:14 AM
If people are going to spout about GGG lying could you provide "proof" of said lie and why you think it is a lie because from what i've seen no lies have been told, it's just plain hyperbole form players looking to hate or worse, straight up misunderstanding what was said (either language barrier or just too dumb to understand the words)

i also never understood the "lying" part of people`s arguments. it sounds childish to me.

imho its ggg`s openness which bites them in the back.

they want the community to be kept engaged and informed.
and on the other hand they have their internal development meetings with it`s own decision processes which permanently shift the weight of directions to go.

communicating those changes would give the impression of ggg not really knowing what they want.


i think the decision to split the games was a hard one, there are alot of arguments against it still.

as an example, just take "guilds".
ggg fumbled up the initial design and basically made the guild leader eventually own the support of other guild members instead of guild members owning the guild tabs and slots they bought with their dollars.

this "oversight" made all those guild supporters basically lose their support in poe2 and ggg looks like they want to cash in from all those guild lovers again.

which would be a understandable move cause eventually ggg had alot of costs but the right thing to do would be to return all the support players gave to poe1 guilds so they can support poe2 guilds.

the right choice would have been to redesign guilds in poe2 by giving people vouchers for their poe1 guild support and own their guild tabs and slots.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio#1992 on Feb 1, 2025, 6:11:32 AM
If people are going to spout about GGG lying could you provide "proof" of said lie and why you think it is a lie because from what i've seen no lies have been told, it's just plain hyperbole form players looking to hate or worse, straight up misunderstanding what was said (either language barrier or just too dumb to understand the words)

It's particularly funny that the proof you claim to seek was provided in the 2nd-most-recent post preceding yours (2 posts up, by raycheetah). Specifically, this was a lie of omission. It is also important to understand that lying is a form of attempted deception, and deception is the larger subject of significance when it comes to information (in any manner) presented or withheld that obfuscates truth, intentionally or otherwise.

The argument is that GGG intentionally withheld the truth with respect to their development direction of PoE 2 in its connection with PoE 1. I personally believe that to be the case, since the relationship between the 2 games was so significant; It's hard to imagine that they "forgot to mention it" over such a long timespan. In that sense, I believe it was intentional deception.

There isn't anything "hyperbolic" about it.

Why hasn't GGG hasn't commented on this deception (intentional or unintentional)? I'd propose this reason: The company believes that its reputation or its bottom line hasn't been negatively affected enough by the reality of it to benefit from producing a formal explanation.

There have been other deceptions involving explanations given for changes within the game, but those might be called "little white lies".

Last edited by MoonPeace#1394 on Feb 2, 2025, 10:11:42 PM

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