no more updates for poe1? lower $ spent entry point for poe2?
Might be a hot take but its weird paying for early access of a soon to be free to play game. Ive seen a lot of people who bought poe2 access shocked when they hear its actually a free to play game and you guys are basically charging right now as crowd funding.
I get that and approve of it on a conceptual level. Though I think this information could have been made much more apparent for the people new to the series. I don't really recall exactly how much I spent on poe1 but it wasn't the nearly $500 needed to get early access to poe2. Considering the broken promise of continuing to update poe1 and having an overly long league it seems like allowing those who had still supported the company, just not AS much, could be given access as well. This would give those who have spent say $100 or so the ability to play the version that's actually getting updates. I'm sure this will just get nothing but "stop being poor" responses... then again this isn't a blizzard game so maybe the community isn't as trash. Though also assuming this will just be straight up ignored just like my completely reasonable suggestion that exp loss on death be removed as it only punishes people doing self found and experimental builds while max level characters who trade and use guides don't have to deal with it. If you want exp loss on death then allow max levels to delevel like in everquest. Otherwise no point in punishing people for not having a perfect build? Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 5:17:46 AM
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