Even with 501 mf as a pathfinder with corpsewade not getting any good loot.

Is there a bug here with poison or something I am not aware about did about 10 maps getting same loot as what I would get when I have 0 mf.

Currently using corpsewade as main damage source and temporal chains.
Last bumped on Jan 27, 2025, 12:12:42 PM
U have to juice your maps and run breach.
put delirium on every high quant map with a good layout.
even 1k rarity isnt good when u kill slow, rarity dosnt mean u get good from every mob. u have to balance speed/rarity (thats why we call some builds OP)
Kazuki#0990 wrote:
Is there a bug here with poison or something I am not aware about did about 10 maps getting same loot as what I would get when I have 0 mf.

Currently using corpsewade as main damage source and temporal chains.

Corpsewade kills are bugged

Its the same with XP gained which you have noticed probably

If you want to farm with corpsewade you will have to rely on map modifiers only, or find a way to engage before poison kills everything

Ive found out through testing that i get more XP if i manage to hit mobs with something before they die, i assume it applies to MF from gear too
IGN = Morlinus

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