had a couple of weeks of a break from poe, now i am back i have a very important question first:
is ssf chat still ssf only or is it merged with trade? because i see alot of ppl all of a sudden that wanna carry or sell stuff and i am genuinly confused because ssf chat was ssf only before 0.1.1
the other questions:
does atackspeed via tree (increased attack speed) also affect totems?
does totem damage scale any other way via gear other than "+x to melee skills"?
despite shokwave totem not having the attack tag, i realised "attack damage" via tree increases its damage, is that a bug or intented?
more questions may follow so i dont have to open a new thread everytime i have questions about totems or general stuff
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 5:04:38 AM
Posted byTerspet#0706on Jan 27, 2025, 1:56:46 AM
had a couple of weeks of a break from poe, now i am back i have a very important question first:
is ssf chat still ssf only or is it merged with trade? because i see alot of ppl all of a sudden that wanna carry or sell stuff and i am genuinly confused because ssf chat was ssf only before 0.1.1
the other questions:
does atackspeed via tree (increased attack speed) also affect totems?
does totem damage scale any other way via gear other than "+x to melee skills"?
despite shokwave totem not having the attack tag, i realised "attack damage" via tree increases its damage, is that a bug or intented?
more questions may follow so i dont have to open a new thread everytime i have questions about totems or general stuff
Don't stress, so have the developers. Unlike you, they aren't back.
Posted byPathological#1188on Jan 27, 2025, 2:04:09 AM
had a couple of weeks of a break from poe, now i am back i have a very important question first:
is ssf chat still ssf only or is it merged with trade? because i see alot of ppl all of a sudden that wanna carry or sell stuff and i am genuinly confused because ssf chat was ssf only before 0.1.1
That patch made the SSF-> trade migration possible and somehow merged the chats as well. I believe it's not intended.
does atackspeed via tree (increased attack speed) also affect totems?
does totem damage scale any other way via gear other than "+x to melee skills"?
despite shokwave totem not having the attack tag, i realised "attack damage" via tree increases its damage, is that a bug or intented?
1. Yes.
2. Yes, by everything that scales your damage, like in PoE1. The difference is that in PoE2 totems use their own weapons. So local properties of your weapon doesn't affect their damage.
3. Shockwave totem has the tag, main tag is above other tags.
Posted byMonaHuna#6449on Jan 28, 2025, 5:04:38 AM