Party Invite Bug

I can send a party invite but it does not appear to go through on the other side.
I get a request for trade. I invite the other person. Nothing happens.
If I click on their name again, I have the option to kick from party... but they are not in my party. Kicking them lets me re-invite with the same results.
If I do nothing, I will get a message ~1-2 minutes later saying that the party was disbanded.
In the meantime, the other player will be repeatedly messaging me for a party invite.

It seems like I can accept party invites, just not send them. Please help!
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 12:13:04 AM
I have this issue often as well, but its not concistent.

If I get no join within about 30 sec I often whisper the player to ask if they got the invite. Sometimes when the issue occurs, the other player ends up inviting me which seems to work.

I am suspecting it may be a cross platform issue for people on console inviting others on PC and visa versa.

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