Multiple issues - ideas - FPS Xbox unplayable

1. Delirium upgrades to maps. Makes the maps unplayable the the FPS drops must be on the Xbox and this shouldn’t happen on a console with this technology. I have played many other games with a lot more demand which also makes console players at a disadvantage due to not being able to run bigger maps.

2. I’ll be able to have a price checker the same as PC as this makes console players at a disadvantage as well due to not being able to check the prices of their items.

3. Rituals, how is it that you can run over 100 rituals and not get a single kings raid key?

4. Expeditions the same as it is for rituals how is it that you can’t get more expedition logbook? I’ve run many many of them and only had two.

5. Vine orbs I believe the drop rate should be increased a little I know you expect people to make more divines by selling items if you don’t get the drops for divines how are you supposed to actually buy items with vines?

6. Levelling up when you reach level 90 it becomes a lot more difficult to 800 but if you’re wanting the more casual players to be able to hit higher levels then I believe we shouldn’t struggle to be able to reach level 100 I think this should be made a lot easier to allow players to hit that game with their

7. Rituals loot when you’ve completed the ritual you get a lot of points to spend but a lot of the time there is nothing to spend the money on. Maybe make the rewards better or make it targeted class that you’re actually playing so they get more choice of to spend Or give them an option to choose the type of weapon or armour or upgrade material before it shows the items that are there.

8. breach splinters and delirium I believe should be dropped to around 200 or increase the drop rate due to running multiple breaches and delirium. You’re very rarely get more than six or seven but obviously this depends on the class you play, but you shouldn’t be penalised for not having a class like a monk who absolutely demolishes everything.

9. Endgame, I believe endgame should be explained a lot better for a lot of new players, especially how the material can be used and upgraded. There is no explanation of what the different types of shrines do. There’s no explanation behind what breaches can give you or expeditions can give you what rituals can give you. There’s literally no explanation of what rares you can get from these areas or pinnacle bosses. Maybe in the rare stash tab it can explain where each rare can be located or dropped so it gives players more of an idea of what area they need to farm to get these items

10. The key from rituals once you reach the boss or any pinnacle boss I believe you should be at least allowed one more try. I finally got a key to change the king after over 100 rituals are defeated the first round which then put me into the maze which I had no idea about And ended up failing which is absolute ridiculous. I’ve spent all that time farming to get a key to them failed due to a mechanic on a map not because of the boss I followed the wisps or whatever you wanna call them and it just kept on guiding me back to the start which I have to read up they are supposed to actually help you get out.

Last bumped on Jan 26, 2025, 3:20:35 AM

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