cross platform double purchase for stash tabs is random remove only

I decided to finally go ahead and purchase the stash tabs on my pc sub account through PSN so I don't have to resort to using a guild stash to store items until I can organize them on PC.

I still have more stashes on PC compared to PSN, but now some of them work on both platforms. I started organizing the ones that are writable from playstation into a folder and then started moving items into those. However the next day some of them that worked on both became remove only on playstation, but other random tabs that had previously been remove only are now writable from playstation.

Do I have to purchase the exact same number on both platforms so this doesn't happen? I just want to organize them so I can have the same workflow playing on either platform, but with them randomly being remove only sometimes, its near impossible to set this up.

crossplay stash tabs purchased on both PC/PS5 are random for every login (though this may change after a certain period of time)
Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 6:04:16 PM
Feel free to disregard this issue. The writing on the wall is clear. My only wish now is for an offline poe1 before its abandoned.

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