Copper Citadel Boss bug during wind attack

Pretty simple one here, boss uses it's wind attack that requires you to hide in the shield, but the npc doesn't put up the shield, basically insta-killing you with no way of surviving, and on top of that you lose the entire citadel because of it.

Please enough with these terrible bugs that break your game entirely and enough with the map is over on death, so many people not playing because of that it just gets annoying to deal with because 99% of the time you die in this game is to a bug. Makes me not want to play at all.

Please stop normalizing punishing players for your game screwing up.


See you next topic
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 9:48:39 PM
Same thing happened to me today, so fucking stupid.
Same thing just happened to me after dozens of hours mapping, first Coper Citadel. Such a major bug shouldn't be in the game at this point, especially with the dumb decision of giving only one attempt on citadels. Very dissapointing.
Just reporting the same thing happened to me. I've probably done a dozen of these before but this was the first bugged one. The exp loss is the most annoying part (level 97).

Boss fight, no npc to shield.
Just reporting the same thing happened to me. I've probably done a dozen of these before but this was the first bugged one. The exp loss is the most annoying part (level 97).

Boss fight, no npc to shield.


I found another copper citadel and this time I noticed before entering that the friendly NPC was not in my party.

As an experiment, I removed 10 of my minions (I'm a witch with 23 minions) and she suddenly appeared. I entered the arena and added my minions back and she remained visible, but moved up onto the platform above the boss.

The boss fight got to 50% and he fired off one of his mechanics (luckily not the wind) and then remained like that for a good 5 minutes. The friendly NPC off the platform, the boss doing nothing, and my minions hitting him constantly.

I enraged the minions and as soon as they died the fight continued, the boss destroyed the platform and I was able to complete the event. The friendly NPC was in the arena but not dead like normal.

It seems absurd, but maybe this has to do with the number of minions?

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