Fleshcrafter killed my minions and it won't allow me to summon minions.

I bought Fleshcrafter with some divines.
But equipping it killed my minions and it won't allow me to summon minions.
Skeletons, zombies, and spectres.

Bug report number is 192,056,665.
Last bumped on Jan 24, 2025, 11:38:56 AM
Item Class: Body Armours
Rarity: Unique
Necromancer Silks
Quality: +29% (augmented)
Energy Shield: 422 (augmented)
Level: 59
Int: 160
Sockets: W-W-W-W-W-W
Item Level: 85
132% increased Energy Shield
Minions Convert 2% of their Maximum Life to Maximum Energy
Shield per 1% Chaos Resistance they have
Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Minions' Energy Shield
Minions have 82% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
While Minions have Energy Shield, their Hits Ignore Monster Elemental Resistances
Imbue the body with stolen spirit, hold the leash tight.
I use same gems on Tabula Rasa, and equipping it works well. I am able to summon minions with this armor.

Fleshcrafter, is this bugged?
Your minions probably have 50% or higher chaos resistance, which would convert all their life to ES which kills them due to having 0 life.

Thanks, taggedjc#2661.

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