The ''gem quality effects'' information have disappeared on console after patch 0.1.1

(Ps5) >
We used to be able to click and hold R3 (or L3 not sure) for more informations on a gem, like any other items in the game.
It would then add a small text at the bottom, in white color showing what effect we would get from applying quality to a gem.

That whole line of text vanished after patch 0.1.1 and there is now no place where you can find the effect of quality on a gem, in the game.

I now have to use my cellphone and type:

Gem quality effect of (any skill or spell's name) in PoE 2

on google and search from there to get what I wanted to know.
Doing this every single time is unpleasant to say the least and I was wondering if the devs were made aware of this problem?
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 3:04:15 PM
Also noticed that behaviour on PS5. Even if you have the gem on quality 20% you can not see the info.
I have the same problem.
PS5 here, same thing, please fix this.
I thought I was crazy and I have been going nuts looking for this feature again. Is it coming back in the near future?
I'm using a Controler in PC and have the same issue.
I used to be able to see it before last patch.
Same problem.
Same, pleas fix…
Thank you

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