Sekhemas Affliction, no energy shield

This has to be a bug.

But I lost a run from gaining the affliction "you have no energy shield" randomly at an honor restoration shrine.

As a monk, it took 1600 plus energy shield away from me and proceeded to convert that into damage to my honor and I lost on the spot.

Is this something that should be considered a feature and now i can never take a random minor affliction option as an ES user?

Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 2:36:16 PM
I join this thread because I also died with 0 honor due to "No ES Aff".
Definitely a gamebreaking issue!

Here are some informations about my way to die in dialog:

- Room 7 - Trial of Sekhemas - Level 80
- Affliction "No ES" hit before an hourglass room
- No ES became 0 Honor as shown in Screen 1.
- Completed this room without any hits and then reached "Pledge to X".
- Interaction with the statue: "Swap inc. max. Honor" for "Me and Minions do 40% less damage"
- Result on click: See Screen 2 - Death with unchanged values
- If relevant, used relics can be seen in Screen 3
- no Grim Feast active, but recently did a respec into skills per per weapon set (ES related)

I will provide details and/or logs if needed.


Screen 1:
Screen 2:
Screen 3:

>> Google translate involved

Please at least unfuck your technical nightmare - called trials until the basics are fixed.
Its a "major affliction" to casualize the heart of our baby, when you can just blink though every gauntlet without any lever touched...
This happened to me as well.

Room 6 there was a shrine to restore honor and gain a random affliction. The random affliction was no ES and it immediately removed all my remaining honor.

My initial assumption was that the removal of the ES was counted as a "hit" and @ roughly 6k ES was well more than enough to remove the ~1300 honor + ~1200 restored honor in one hit.
Last edited by Einbjorn#0533 on Feb 13, 2025, 2:38:34 PM

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