Tons of instance crashes losing maps and citadels

Getting tons of crashes, lost a citadel to crashing after hitting the first monster. Then instance crashed again first time hitting a monster on the very next map.
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 12:10:18 PM
It's amazing that this game breaking bug has been known to exist for over a month and has not made it to the priorities list:
Same here 5 times in a row, unplayable right now
also wont let me post on my phone for aome reason
In my case all maps can be played normally

Only when you reach citadels after spending hours, it will crash for sure

This is the most user-experience-oriented game engineering I've ever seen in past 20 years.

Good job, GGG
Crashed in 2/3 last citadels xD
And for what reason there is no teleports available after reconnect? Any other map crashing on instance I can just reconnect and still be able to tp in, but its never so with citadels.

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