I have played for around 11 hours today (i did some streaming earlier) and i have to say after reading the patch notes honestly im lost for words....
i read the entire patch notes and i was going to make a feedback post of everything GOOD and things thats need improving but after the patch notes or should i said after the PC patch notes there is sooooooo much that was "said and promised" in the patch literally not implemented in the console side of things the list is literally too long to point out what is missing from console but "promised" in the patch notes very disappointing, im normally one of the people who say no the devs just need time and defend the devs actions but honestly it just looks like gas lighting the console community at this point as long as the "big name PC streamers are happy right?" because thats how it looks currently with the stats of the game from Charm UI, to Atlas map not loading, STILL NOT A PROPPER INFO SCREEN (on the character screen haf the info PC players have is missing on console) we dont know what our Elemental threshold is, or resistance/chance to avoid freeze, chill,ignite etc etc every PC player i see have all sort of info we get Life, Armour, ES, Evasion, res, charm and MISCELLANEOUS WHICH IS LITERALLY ONLY MOVEMENT SPEED its a joke!! really disapointed with the low effort the console players are getting earlier on the website went "down for maintance" as such my loot filter stopped working (ok no biggy) then textures stopped loading in the game as if i wasnt recieving all data from the servers? meaning that Atlas not loading in is lack of servers side info... ??? (i have proof from my stream where is fine 1 min and dog water the next) all coinsiding with the "website maintance" Console players money that they spend is valued IRL as the same tpye of money PC players spend SO why is our experience of this game so different granted high end PC's are more powerful opperating wise, but consoles these days aint that far behind what the prob is, is you have released a straight up PC port rather than a actualy console made port to run smooth on the consoles capabilities and it needs to be better. im so angry that they said "after death effects have been improved for better visability" yeah maybe on PC but defo not on console again i have video proof. the game runs like ass no nicer way to put it you are trying to make a PC port work on a console and thats is just not it everything you said would be fixed in the patch note is not the case on console!!! if you realease a YT video talking about patch notes and bug fixes then state its ONLY for PC, dont sit and lie to the console community with the promise of fixes because when console find out first hand thats where the anger comes from. some other things id like to add as well IF any Dev actually bothered to read console specific feedback or bothered to boot up the game on console you would see these problems but some are just glairing you in the face simple things like this which i gave feedback on literally weeks ago still havnt been sorted stuff like :- ![]() why is the "edit hideout" bar so prominent and overlay your "button layout and covered you XP bar" and never goes away or why is it almost the full length of the screen? ![]() context the tower it sitting on top of a mountain which is sitting on top of a citidel looks super sloppy ![]() the citidel is literally 90% inside a mountain or how does this happen? i thought this before but im 100% confident that AI makes you end game system? honestly alot of gaming companies are going "AI" and it shows it looks sloppy workmenship and it shows the list can go on you have implemented some nice new things like the tower rework and filters, but you have clearly put PC needs first, and try to cut cornered with console, i could list like 20 things easy that are wrong, or needs implementing to console, prob 18 of them are in the patch notes and are classed as "fixed" in GGG's eyes well they prob are on PC so they will get ignored and overloooked for next patch because in your eyes "there fixed already" only thing is not on console so who cares right? you got the beta money so happy days Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Jan 18, 2025, 5:04:05 AM Last bumped on Jan 20, 2025, 9:27:40 AM
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I have had some very frustrating experiences on console too, Ive already left comments on that. After this patch not only did console not receive the functionality outlined, but you can no longer highlight a gem to see what a gem cutters prism will do. Literally yesterday could left click thumbstick and see that info, today nope! No one explained you have to reinstall to get loot filter to work. As a non technical person this process caused me considerable frustration and game currency (my fault). I know console should just be happy to get the game but we are at a serious disadvantage in the trade economy. I can obviously say there is so much I like about the game or I wouldn’t continue to play despite hating my experience.
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I gave up and am playing my xbox characters on PC instead. At least until the consoles are fixed.
The difference, even playing w/controller, is incredible. It feels like playing the game after another 6 months of development. Console loot filter for POE2 Please! Last edited by Die_Scream#5464 on Jan 17, 2025, 8:12:33 PM
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It is a PC game first and foremost, so as a console player, I've fully accepted that our money is not as good as those on PC.
Having accepted that, I personally don't get upset at these shortcoming, but I do feel bad for those that feel like they're being left behind. Thankfully POE2 is just my layover game until MH Wilds is out so I will be stopping then. Hopefully when I do return in the future after I'm all MH out, it'll be a better experience on console. |
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Man i just wish they would fix controller aiming! It's unacceptable that it doesn't work. I feel forced to use very specific abilities just for this singular reason. Takes a lot of the fun away for me. Also gets me killed in early game.
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the more and more i play PoE2 the more and more im dumb struck how much and how far it is away from Poe1 i know PoE1 is a full game but everything with poe2 just screams D4 but better graphic
the success of Poe1 is what made Poe2 one of those game you really look at and wow i cant wait for this and then you play it and just think how is this game a 2025 game it feels like it should have came out before Poe1. the lack of movement skills for me makes tha game feel jenky and slow especially when ur trying to get urself out of danger sre you could use "blink" but thats all there is, you can hardly defend against things like in Poe1 you have defensive layers like Immortals call, and magma barrier, abilities gain from capturing god souls like immunity to burning ground and a sence of making your character into a god and so far on Poe2 targeting feels off, movement feels off, defensive layers feel off, attacks and abilities feel underwhelming, unless you play one of 3 broken builds then nothing else seems balanced, drops feel awful crafting is shit, and all feedback is ignored unless you are a big stream on PC they wont listen or do anything about it i was watching a streamer who is making builds to the point that he used 1 attack the entire map is cleared and the instance crashes beta or not stuff like that should not be happening, the "vision" to slow the pace of the game down is not it. i stayed patient and calm and waited for patches and fixes that never came it was like a slap in the face, again i know its a beta and things will improve but only on PC's time console with get the scrap end of the patches, it is scary how polished Poe1 actually is i did the mistake of signing back in and playing afew maps its is night and day So as Poe1 nexts league comes out people will realise how bad Poe2 actually is this (poe2) is a 5 or 6 year old game in the making not a we nocked this up last year and this is the state of it? and they think 1 more year will sort it out? na mate. this game feels like its about 2 or 3 more years out. slow methodical gameplay is what D4 went for and it dead in the water half a year in, Poe2 is heading that way on cosnole as least. i lost so many maps today over after death effects, that i couldnt hardly see althought "patch notes say different" im so glad i recorded some of the "improved death effects" or the floor effects, and then to top it off im lvl 91 so im losing hella XP, i lost progression, and loot as i try to clear the monsters out before looting as monsters like to agro off screen round corners and such so you have to fight then unfortunaly die even tho im 2100+ life cap res, and 700+ energy shield, 88% evasive, (which kicks in when the game feels like it) its stupid 1 unfortunate mistake or a "lag spike" on the servers and everything is gone its boring and pointless to run a map and lose everything whoever idea is was to make mapping 1 portal deaths really is out of touch with the player base. some people just like to map and loot, and try and craft items to make character OP and kill some bosses, but for some reason Poe2 is now a job where you have to follow rules and do things they way we say have fun!! (or so we are told) No real means to craft properly its literally just a spam fest and hope (this is not crafting crafting took not just luck but also skill to learn the thing massively missing from the game atm, Movement skills speak for themself, and 1 portal for maps you have made End game Atlas just delve where its 1 and done i will be honestly i skip the endless delve min league because there boring in my opinion i know lot of people like delve but i do not because of the die once and its back to the start of that area which is what end game is for Poe2 i honeslty can not believe a game i fell in love with has a sequal that feels like it was make by Activision blizzard as it stands its seems ot have lost all identy to path of exile a ARGP its tunring into a snooze fest Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Jan 18, 2025, 5:17:43 AM
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TLDR; you guys should be playing PoE1 instead since it seems that is type of ganeplay you enjoy more. Or D4 new season is coming out where you will be able to do trillions of damage with all characters and fly through maps.
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" More like: "I didn't read the thread but I think someone is attacking muh game I better put up a childish defense!" Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
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Another post whining about "console players being disrespected" (as a Series S "most" and PC "less" player, I don’t see any intentional disregard the game has plenty of issues regardless of the platform) from self-proclaimed development experts... Dude, seriously, try writing something more complex than "hello world" yourself, and then share your important opinion about how an LLM is making the game.
Last edited by talraashi#8263 on Jan 18, 2025, 2:56:44 AM
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" another ggg d rider.Game sux on consoles and thats facts |
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