I understand that we are in early access but how is it possible that among the most important problems currently on consoles you have not noted the problem relating to fps, the newly added filters are nice, but the game is unplayable, I don't think that we on consoles ask for 120fps , but at least the 60 fps that other games in the same category can achieve. I personally am not asking for a short-term resolution of the problem because I understand that work is needed, but at least a communication from you that gives hope in a resolution of the problem, whether it takes a little or a long time is not the important thing, but at least recognize that it is currently not playable especially the end game, I thank you in advance for your attention and I apologize if I got some words wrong since I'm not English
Last bumped on Jan 17, 2025, 1:37:51 AM
Yep.I stopt playing it because of that.Its a unplayable.
Maybe you already checked but see if you are connected to a nearby region. Sometimes I would get set to a far away region during heavy player count.

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