Ps5 Loot Filters not working after patch 0.1.1

I have tried several loot filters post patch 0.1.1 and none of them do anything at all. You can select a loot filter now, unfortunately it doesn't actually filter anything. Sweet Bojangles is this so disappointing
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2025, 6:26:27 PM
Try to first create/pick a Lootfilter on Filterblade and SYNC this Filter to your Account.

Have you tried?

It‘s not possible to pick or see/choose Lootfilter in MAINMENU.
But InGame (In town for example) you should see your synced Lootfilter.

Last Tip: Be ware that you can choose Platforms and it’s important to Choose PoE2 (not PoE1Sony and so on)

After doing this steps you should see your Lootfilter uses your official PoE Account, so it’s good to go this way
I have synced the filter from filter blade. I've followed filters on the POE website. I've refreshed the filters. I've closed the game. Started POE 1 and loaded a filter no problem. I've loaded another game. Then I reloaded POE 2. Still no filters other than default. Any other suggestions?

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