what's the physical goods shipping backlog? It's been a month.


I ordered a supporter pack upgrade via Steam to get the hoodie and t-shirt on Dec 14 and haven't received it yet.

Have also not received any communication about the order or any responses to my inquiry from support.

Has anyone ordered the hoodie/t-shirt after Dec 14 and how long did you take to receive it (or have you received it yet)?

Last bumped on Feb 7, 2025, 7:42:14 PM
I am wondering this as well. I bought mine in December and have not received any items. I reached out to support 1/22 and have not heard back yet. If I learn anything new I will post here.
Unfortunately, we aren't able to assist with this issue over the forums. Please contact us at support@grindinggear.com if you haven't already so we can look into this with you. Be sure to include your Path of Exile account name (including four-digit discriminator) as well as the names of a few of your characters so that we are best able to look into things with you.
JC_GGG wrote:
Unfortunately, we aren't able to assist with this issue over the forums. Please contact us at support@grindinggear.com if you haven't already so we can look into this with you. Be sure to include your Path of Exile account name (including four-digit discriminator) as well as the names of a few of your characters so that we are best able to look into things with you.

I submitted my request via the inbox here on the site, will I be getting a response in my pathofexile.com inbox or the email address I provided (which is the email attached to my account)?
Can you please email us at support@grindinggear.com with this so we can assist you? We aren't able to help with physical item inquiries via the forums or through the Messages inbox on the website.
I will email them, thank you.
Last edited by ghostismyname01#0882 on Jan 27, 2025, 6:07:09 PM
I've emailed them 5 times since early December gotten no response yet. Let me know if you hear from them...
I ordered the Liberator of Wraeclast Supporter 53 days ago (Dec 7th).

I sent an email a couple weeks after, asking were was my physical items might be at. This was the response.

"Unfortunately, it appears there was a minor error at checkout with your purchase; although you provided shipping details our system automatically opted you out of receiving your physical goods."

So GGG where's my full refund or my Path of Exile 2 Art Book, the Path of Exile 2 Logo T-shirt and the Path of Exile 2 Logo Hoodie?
still no update either. I was automatically opted out of physical goods as well lol. Sent them my shipping address and requested an invoice to pay shipping due to actually wanting them. Have not heard a peep for 2 months. 5 emails sent 1-2 every couple of weeks. Pretty crazy.

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