Morior Invictus Buyer beware/State of Trading - Relisters/Scammers

TLDR - Morior Invictus Sellers (cheaper) bait/switching/"scamming". Hopee for better trading future to report these activities with affirmative action.

To be clear - I'm not talking about "flippers" or "buy low sell high". Not preferable, not ideal maybe but that's more personal taste IMO.

I'm referring to the people intentionally relisting items higher (say 25-30 divines) then over 10-20 minutes lowering the price incrementally (i guess to make it look like the "buyer" is getting a deal). Then usually around 15-20 divines - someone "buys" the item. Item is de-listed for a few minutes, then suddenly reappears for 25-30 div again. Rinse and repeat.

Meanwhile what is often happening during that "buying" process - the item is bait and switched, the "buyer" is duped into thinking they got the right one (because 99% of the community isn't disgusting this way and operate with a great sense of pride in the community and respect to each other) - meanwhile, bait and switch, and immediately put on ignore by the "seller".

Now immediately I see throughout the forums and discord etc - the "the only person who scammed you is you, for not checking, double checking, triple checking, checking 55 times". This is one view. The other that i propose is that this seemingly continually allowed type of trading and gameplay actually ruins the experience for so many - new to poe, new to trade league, new to the genre, tired vets etc. Onus is on the buyer yes - but there are seemingly no repercussions for the "sellers" continuously doing this to countless people. (Theres by my count, 7 or 8 posts in the last day about one particular account and several very similar). Obviously i wont name and shame as thats against TOS to promote personal attacks etc.

Yet isnt that inadvertently exactly what these scammers are doing to us? Yes i say us - happened to me too. I hovered the item, it was good. I got distracted, wasnt watching my screen for maybe 4-5 seconds (thought my PC was about to BSOD), look back, nothings changed, we're good. But it had changed, thats on me. But to report it - my god. Email, support tickets etc...meanwhile - my play experience ruined. Especially for a trade that large.

I'm not well versed in tagging GGG/@'ing mods, but theres got to be some path to a better economy mindset here that we can trade safely knowing these scammers (or "accidentally misclicked" as they/many will say) - continue unabashed.

By my count - i'm at 9 accounts doing this behaviour specifically on the item Morior Invictus - Attributes and Res. Since last night some of them have listed and relisted as many as 30 times (for significant price increases, 5-10 minutes after they "disappear" post lowering price incrementally). They immediately put you on ignore, mostly seem to be level all 25 characters, all in a clearfell encampment, and averaging about 1-2 or 5-7 minutes between their sweeps of price lowering.

Yes i've had some spare time and a chip on my shoulder to watch this all - and have screenshots until the cows inevitably come home - but cannot share because again - naming and shaming isn't allowed.

Hot Take? Surely GGG is aware this is an issue to the integrity of trading - or are we always to assume when buying gear than anyone 10% cheaper than the rest is a scammer haha. I know many won't agree, but I feel there must be a better way ahead.
Last bumped on Jan 14, 2025, 11:39:35 PM

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