More hotkeys please and different hotkey mapping per character

I need more hotkeys and different hotkey mapping per character.

I have tow chars. One uses 13 reservation skills (aurastacker) and it is a huge problem to me during PVP. Game allows for 10 abilities to be mapped to hotkeys to be mapped and since I also use some active abilities I can only map 6 and the rest needs to be started by hand. During PVP that makes me completely vulnerable since I need to trigger all of them cause they are off by default. By the time im done im also pretty much dead.

The other character has a completely different skill set so I want to switch between them I need to remap all the keys to his needs.

This is such a simple feature. I surprised why it haven't been done already.
Last bumped on Jan 14, 2025, 11:01:07 AM

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