SO todays feedback is game related but also "Livestream related"
Firstly id like to highlight a very good post with some very good ideas for the 1 portal death debate here is a link below The post was made by Bobrob6217#8931 and had some very good ideas alot of which i was thinking about myself but id also like to add a alternative to the mix as well and hopefully the dev's can see these 2 posts and either implement ideas given in the posts or trigger some ideas to help come up with a good solution. so before i continue id like to highlight the NEGATIVE 1st and as it stands in the game: 1) XP loss: As it stands you lost around 10+% XP once you hit 90+ (give or take) if you die. Now this can be for a number of reasons A) to restrict people just trying to ram the maps with as much loot as possible even though they might be underleveled to try and run content there character is ready for or... B)To give a player a feeling of achievement for reaching higher levels on a character ingame HOWEVER the down side to this is that sometimes the game just isnt visually clear and as such after death effects, other persistant effects or attacks are sometimes not completely visable because either it happens too quickly or youre own attack blocks the effect or you are side tracked by the loot dropping etc etc. as stated in the Live stream come patch death effects and some attacks will be visually better which is good to hear but this doesnt still help with 1 monster dies, you are still chowing through several other packs and more and more effects are on screen with you own attack AND loot drops can sometimes hide the ability/death effect as well. SO with that a death is probably on the cards at some point i think rather that 10+% XP loss or whatever it stands at atm, maybe lower it to 5% you still have that loss and inherant need to be careful but its not setting you back like 25 waystones+ because as it stands the XP is from Waystones is not that great i think this would be a more acceptable loss if you do unfortunatly die. now this is just a suggestion for XP Loss as it currently stands in the game with only 1 portal SUGGESTION AND POSSIBLE SOLUTION OK So XP LOSS on top of 1 portal death plus loss of loot plus no progression on the atlas PLUS Boss loss and/or Content loss (once you die in a Waystone once you return to the atlas the content that was on the map is also now removed) Seems a little extreme imo for dying once in a map especially if that death was a moment of laps in conerntration or a lack of judgement it is as it stands abit extreme So what could be a possible solution well how about this: ![]() so as shown in the picture this is me about to fight the Boss in the Iron citidel (red and green areas will make sense in abit) i think just like Campaign there should be a check point just outside each boss area (every single map that has a boss in it has a checkpoint directly outside its "boss area") this is for a number of reasons 1)IF you were to allow 6 portals as normal just like PoE1 this would mean XP loss could stay as it currently is 10+% players who want to map and farm still can because sometimes is jus not possible to stand still or whatever and pick loot up straight away so you continue fighting then if you unfotunatly die afew moments later all loot isnt lost you are still able to go and potentially pick up your loot and you dont feel that sense of lost everything that was pointless running kinda thing 2) With the 6 portals still and the ability for lesser or newer players get to learn mechanics better and actually see what it takes to make a character capable of running higher tier maps without dying all the time yeah sure better players will be able to do this and not really need the 6 portals but not every single player in PoE is a giga sweat running 300 waystones a day with a 1 tap build those sorts of players will always thrive regardless to how many portals you give 3)So as shown in the picture i coloured a green and red zone on the map with a check point i think to be able to warrent the 6 portals in a map it could work as follows Green area normal build normal damage etc etc just how you build it you could be doing 200 million damage in the green zones WHILE MAPPING this is also help GGG with not having to completely nuke build. So.... green zone all good your build is your build RED ZONE soon as you enter the redzone and pass that check point the game know you have entered the red zone aka BOSS AREA again just like in campaign you are not able to put down a portal hence the need for a check point and once you entre this area regardless to the build or the build damage EVERY builds damage is capped out at 2mil or whatever is a reasonable amount of damage. This way it is advantagous AND a Insentive for the player to keep as many portals as possible (playing softcore) becasue you are not going to be able to 1 tag the boss meaning players will have to learn mechanics as if you do unfortunatly die not to worry you have another portal HOWEVER once you respawn just like campaign the waystone boss has there full life regened meaning you still have to beat the boss completely in 1 try, but atleast if you die you can try again untill portals run out. again with people making silly damage builds thats fine let them use them while mapping (the mappers are happy) People who enjoy bossing cool now there happy EVERY SINGLE POE 2 PLAYER will get the same boss experience (within reason per build, people who dont have a 300 mil DPS build dont feel like there build is completley useless on bosses and also it gives newer players the ability to still be able to kill a boss and learn while also learning the workings of POE2 personally i think in the long run this will help GGG with balancing bosses and loot because if everyone had a boss damage cap (and ovbiously the harder the content boss ie end game) then the cap can obviously be raise or whatever but i think this give the players a reason to learn mechanics GGG employees wont feel like there works is pointless because everyone kills it before it does a mechanic and loot can be balanced around the bosses because everyone gets the same experience and then in maps its free for all people can blast maps etc etc and this would warrent 6 portals but again just a suggestion as always other feedback posts are as followed: afew suggestions for rewards, ultimatum and some overtuned effects FEEDBACK FROM OVER CHRISTMAS MAPS AND CAMPAIGN FEEDBACK Long Feedback on Map reviews (some maps) and Suggestions for improvements with towers SANCTUM STUFF AND VISUALS LACK OF MOVEMENT AND WARRIOR TREE CRASHES AND GENERAL GAMING FEEDBACK VISUAL ISSUES FOR CONSOLE AND XP Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Jan 14, 2025, 10:47:20 AM Last bumped on Jan 14, 2025, 2:58:27 PM
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