Weapon disappeared from inventory - potential bug report

Hi, team!

First and foremost - thank you massively for this masterpiece of a game. Addicted is an understatement. So grateful for the care put into this game.

This is meant purely for feedback just for awareness - not in a complaining manner.

My partner and I play couch co-op and this happened to him.

He had a wand equipped that had a boost to intelligence (I think roughly 20 intelligence or so).

He had gotten a new wand that seemed pretty juiced up. We wanted to check and see if DPS numbers would go up with it.

It required 133 intelligence and with the wand he had equipped that gave the boost to intelligence, he was just over that threshold.

When he went to equip the new wand to see if the DPS would go up for skills, the other wand completely disappeared from his inventory. The new wand now was showing red because intelligence requirements were no longer met.

I suspect what happened was this. His inventory was most full. I suspect when he went to equip the new wand, the old want had three socketed support gems for the Chaos Bolt skill that is associated with the wand. There would’ve been enough room for the wand in his inventory but not enough for the three support gems. I think when the new wand was shipped and there wasn’t room for the old wand AND the support gems there were socketed into the old wand - the system defaulted as if we had selected the option to ‘dispose’ of it as it does in town if you attempt to drop an item in town. It didn’t give a prompt and the wand was removed from inventory.

I acknowledge this is long winded but just wanted to provide all the variables in case it helps identify the issue.

Thank you again so much! We love POE 2 : )
Last bumped on Jan 22, 2025, 7:23:49 AM
Same thing happened to me. Full inventory in town and swapped the same wand with chaos bolt (Maybe coincidence) and old wand disappeared. Luckily wand I equip was craftable into updgrade. Lost the support gems though.

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