Infernalist help with build

I am looking for a new end game build, utilizing demonflame without demonform, for comet or firestorm spam that is not centered around a flask spamming build.

Any suggestion to a build that utilizes Barrier invocation, cast on freeze/shock or other reactive skills for constant mass aoe clearing, that is not centered around flasks?

been using a minion build up to this point, but grown increasingly frustrated by minions getting stuck and dying randomly with full health.
Last bumped on Jan 13, 2025, 4:28:05 PM
So use detonate dead if your minion die.

To be honnest, demonflame just sucks right now and its really bad. Firestorm too. Comet is a good one with cast on freeze/shock but its already a build existing.

If after 1 month, some really good builders playing 16h a day this game, we have no build with such skills, its for a reason I guess !!!

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