What are the jewels to put? for lightning ranger ?

Hi, I'm making a lightning ranger. I'm inspired by this build: https://mobalytics.gg/poe-2/builds/lightning-arrow-farmer-fubgun

I was wondering what jewels to put in the passive tree. Cold damage? Speed ​​attack? Movespeed? Other ?
Last bumped on Jan 13, 2025, 3:09:59 AM
It's in his guide description:

"You want to put a "damage as extra cold damage" "Against the darkness" jewel between unbound forces and kite runner. This will give you enough cold damage to freeze without cold infusion on your lightning arrow.

"Good jewel mods: attack speed, bow dmg, proj dmg, ele dmg, lightning damage, bonuses gained from equipped quiver and movement speed"

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