Problems with Filterblade on PS5

Good day everyone,
I have a problem with filterblade on the PS5.
It has been said in several forums that it is now possible to use filters on the PS5 via filterblade.

I registered there, connected to my ggg and poe2 account via PS5, created the filters, also selected the PS5 there and uploaded it

So far so good, there was a message that the synchronization was successful but the PS5 doesn't show me anything, I also restarted the game and the console, but nothing

In the FAQ of filterblade it says that there are probably some problems with ggg if you have used special symbols for the name on the account, but mine consists only of letters and numbers.

Can someone from support help me?
On the account page of poe2 the filters are also shown to me and in some Facebook groups people write that it worked and have also posted pictures

It would be great if someone knows what to do:)
Last bumped on Jan 14, 2025, 11:33:03 AM
Same issue here. Even restarted the game and everything
I've been waiting for a response/feedback to several forum entries from GGG for a month. I don't think you'll get any help here either!

I understood it to mean that you also have to have a PC version of PoE2 and store your loot filter there and then you can manage to get it displayed on the console through luck/trick etc.

I asked here in the GGG forum what's going on now, but with no answer for ANYONE.
Last edited by EggWhoRockS#9782 on Jan 12, 2025, 10:00:20 AM
I'm in the same boat did you find out anything?
Has this been resolved, has there been loot filters added for consoles, as far as I am aware, this for me is still not working on PS5.
Please ggg, a little more love towards the console community who also love and are addicted to your game.
Same here, ps5 tried what every tutorial said, not able to get the filter setup……

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