Morior Invictus Grand Regalia - Increased Global Defenses per socketed Rune/Core

Hey all,

it seems the Prefix is buggy. It will only add the value of the armor to global defenses. I have a corrupted Morior invictus with 5 slots and all of them are filled with runes. But the Armor only apply the amount that is listed in the stats, there is no "Global Defense" increase as you would expect. In fact, my old armor gives me more ES than Morior Invictus, even though the "Global Defense Increase" should push that well over the old value.

The Prefix reads:
10% Increased Global Defences per socketed Rune or Soulstone

The item has 230 ES. With the item Equiped, i have 2480 ES. Without, ES is 1206. Now, if i equip a yellow armor - without global defense modifier - with 292 ES, i have 2505 ES. So As you can see, the "Global Defense Increase" seems to do nothing, even though it should push my defenses by 50% with the regalia.

Best regards,
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 1:11:33 PM
I have the same issue here, any update on this?
Last edited by Theodore#0437 on Jan 15, 2025, 4:38:03 AM
Yeah same problem for me, hope they fix it
Same here.
I also have 5% increased mana with 5 soul cores and it doesn't seem to give the correct amount
I was searching to buy a morior incivtus with global defences. Did they fix that problem in 0.1.1 patch?

Anyone able to confirm? does this thing work correctly? or its bugged.
Still bugged
Hey , is there any new related to this bug?
Hey , is there any new related to this bug?

If you're expecting this to increase your defenses by 1.5x, no. This increase is additive with all other increases to armor, evasion, and ES.

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