Console bugs that make it unplayably annoying
Sometimes the character just stops attacking.... and than resumes when he wants. On the monk isn't that bad although annoying, on mercenary it's braindead near unplayable, because reload times are so insane.
Skill wave attacks get blocked by certain environment aesthetics... sometimes they do, sometimes they don't... combined with previous bug results in me walking around a puddle or some other environment thing (that monsters can shoot through) storm waving for 10 seconds before I finally land a hit on the monster finally killing it, 10 seconds might not seem like long but try stormwaving weaving monsters for 10 seconds that you can 1 shot and come back here again. There is some dupe but that I am not aware of but it exsits. People are vaaling items and crashing instances like sekhimas trial when they don't get the proper result to engineer basically cheated corrupted items. Skill gem tab is broken, skills are not arranged by level, all of my skills are on level 1 page when they are not. Skill tab also resets position when you take a gem out, so for example to take out two level 15 gems I have to scroll all the way to the top, take one out, than scroll all the way to the top again even thought I was just there, and take it out again. Uniques tab is broken too, there were some uniques I could not see or retrieve, I saw there was something in the tab, but could not see what it was, enabling and disabling the "equipabble" option did not help. Uniques tab also you cannot see what the buttons do, because the search bar covers them, you have to guess click all buttons on controller until you find what works. Not a bug but suggestion while I'm here, add everything "trade" has on in-game item examine, I love that you added suffix and prefix as well as the tier, but I would also love to see DPS on my weapons without having to go to trade and check. You guys added support to some skills that enable you to override direction of attack, at least that what I heard, I want to be able to force target any ability I cast, should be a setting in general settings or character settings, gets very frustrating when my monk can't attack the thing right next to him and keeps attacking a wall instead. Maybe add an attack pathing check before auto targeting monsters that OBVIOUSLY can't be reached. Also maybe prioritize targets next to me instead of a mile away. Last edited by nerdhunt4660#8755 on Jan 10, 2025, 8:02:38 PM Last bumped on Jan 10, 2025, 8:02:11 PM
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