Controller targeting modes idea/suggestion

I imagine controller would work best if we got to chose from two modes that work as follows:

1. Auto targeting.
Pretty self explanatory - just how it works now. You only care about moving with your left stick and character aims automatically and stays locked on. Excellent for players who value convenience over precision.

2. Manual Targeting. (aka "twin stick shooter mode)
Left stick controls movement as well as targeting (think of Diablo 3 or Diablo 4 on console). *However*, you can still move and aim independently if you use right stick - right stick would override left stick targeting to allow for strafing. Think of The Ascent on console or any other twin stick shooter.
Last bumped on Jan 14, 2025, 5:53:46 PM
1. Current auto targetting works badly, many skills either target nobody or target randomly.
2. It already has something like this, you need to turn it on for each skill. But it is way too hard to use well with how fast combat is and how you can die in one second if you do not react in time.

Best way to fix controller is to add support for M&K for consoles. For example I do not see how I will ever be able to have fun playing ice sorc on consoles when on PC they cast Ice wall between you and enemy and on controller it is always cast on top of enemy and if they are fast melee moving towards you it never stops them
Last edited by PxstelStxrs7713#8942 on Jan 10, 2025, 8:56:16 PM
1. Current auto targetting works badly, many skills either target nobody or target randomly.
2. It already has something like this, you need to turn it on for each skill. But it is way too hard to use well with how fast combat is and how you can die in one second if you do not react in time.

Best way to fix controller is to add support for M&K for consoles. For example I do not see how I will ever be able to have fun playing ice sorc on consoles when on PC they cast Ice wall between you and enemy and on controller it is always cast on top of enemy and if they are fast melee moving towards you it never stops them


Very excited to see improvements here.

Sick of not being able to target backline to use Leaping Slam on a mob.
Sick of my Hammer of the Gods going to a random location, even though there is a Rare right on top of me.
Auto targeting should be disabled when using the right stick , period .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
I just fought Pirasha, The Forgotten Prisoner and it was so frustrating. The auto aim kept targeting the adds and I had to stand next to the boss to target it, yet as soon as i dodged or moved it either aimed at an add or just space.

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