Automate the trade

Can item trade happen automatically, like currency exchange?
Just add a separate flag to tell if items can be auto-sold and "buy" button on /trade2. It woul be increadible if transaction would be instant, without wispers, meeting, etc.
Overall I think players should be able to farm everything in game quicker and be able to progress without trade (and it's certainly not possible now). But POE2 trade is kind of fun, except enforced social interactions are never great. Make it instant at least!
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2025, 11:01:05 AM
This is for POE2. Not sure there is a dedicated feedback section for POE2.
it works for the currency trade because the stuff in the auction house is high volume so there is little chance to price fix (though there were posts claiming as much)

For or items there tends to be less of them with the rolls you want, making botting the AH way more attractive especially preying on people that manage to fuck up and list things lower than their value.

But the biggest issue is that PoE isn't WoW, in WoW the AH is limited to the server it is on (and split by faction) so i've seen 30k per WoW server (had to google, this seems on the high end of the answers)
Point being thats per sever, PoE is global (outside some dedicated servers for asia) that's a potential of hundreds of thousands of players looking to use it at one time...WoW can't deal well with a large server as you are constantly hitting items only to be told it's not there (bought out/de listed) so at the end of the day you'll still be scrolling through pages to get something not to mention the ease of trading making bots a much more lucrative option for the scumbags
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