Minion Builds - Melee glitchy/sucks
Need to fix towers and/or minion passage through doors and halls...unless you're playing some stupid streamer's Fire throwers build Melee Minions are broken, bad broken, they stand there being attacked they don't follow, they get stuck in doors they let mobs just beat on them and not attacking. Minions won't even attack a mob that is attacking the PC, unless the PC directly attacks them. The Minions need to be more aggro or they need a button Passive/Aggressive ability or something. This also causes another side issue of being One Shot from mechanics you can't even see happen off screen; because of how Melee Minions are glitched out and will not go through doorways unless the PC goes first this makes doing the Map Towers not fun at all not remotely, you can't even see the targets/mobs to get to them the towers are absolute dog water visually which makes the mechanics just a dumb gimic cause you can't even see what is killing you off screen...
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 12:59:09 PM