early game play WAY to difficult -- gona lose many new people because of this
if you only want to make a game that is to your old game base then ignore this...
if you want to attract some new people, then you NEED to tone down the difficulty for new people. at the very least in Act I. even as a person who played poe 1, i found it very difficult to get through act 1. i am still struggling with a few characters. the difficulty level is just way to high especially on that last boss fight, the monster werewolf thing. if you add a second person, then it gets even harder. oddly... imo, it SHOULD be easier with a friend to help. at least a little easier.... add a few, 3+, people and sure it gets harder then. 1 person wont break the game. ( if they are the same level ) can there be added a "i am new to this type of game" beginner setup so they can start gracefully and not get SLAUGHTERED then get turned off and stop playing...? i played poe 1 early on and it was NOT like this. are you just playing to the hardcore player base? dont forget the new players... this is WAYto difficult for them and this will turn away MANY new people. as for multiplayer, my brother and i played together and saw that it was much more difficult just adding 1 extra person to it. the AOE alone makes it difficult ( last boss on act 1 ) let alone the added health and damage. it just seems much to overwhelming for a first big boss fight. it should be easier if i add a bit of help. again that aoe on the boss fight more than makes up for adding 1 player. the health is fine... its the added damage he does... its just to high. even at 0, the other parts make up for it. those pillars of ice are MORE than enough, as is, to make it difficult. dont add more by increasing the damage the boss does. the wolves in the fog are another example of more than enough aoe. and the ground freezing aoe... its all more than enough for 2 players. next is the reviving... you dont give enough time to revive except in normal fight. boss fights..... pretty much cant do it... very very rare places you can revive a person in a boss fight... which defeats the purpose of reviving. mostly IT TAKES TO DAMN LONG! then you add the backpedaling, on reviving, of getting hit.... :( i am not talking about 3+ but 2 people. its a different setup with 2. boss fights: 3+ you can always have one that is not boss targeted to revive, but 2 the boss is always on you, same as 1. you really cant revive except in very very rare spots. the game is plenty fun. cant wait to see what's next. you did well with making each character feel original, except for the warrior. he just does not live up to a "warrior". needs a uninterruptable charge, multi slash then allow to roll out of the way ability. ( bull rush? ) something to make it feel more like a warrior charging in and not dying. most bosses will slay you if you get close. i use earthquake rogue like. where i use the ability then run away... the ability feels not very warrior like. you cant tank them nor stay close very long. hit and run are the ONLY tactics in this game as is. which is fine... still need to be more warrior like from the get go. imo. can we get showcases for gear in our hideouts? that would be asome to showcase off the rare gear we found. be different add in visual effects for certain really rare gear... ? male or female dolls to show each skin type. thanks you! Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 4:01:17 AM
If someone cannot even hit the right forum section button, and writes feedback (AKA "complaining and crying") in the BUG REPORT section, it is not that hard to imagine, that he will have problems with the game.
After all, you have to at least be able to read what skills/items/gems do. And I really do not feel bad if I have to "lose many new people" if they fit that description. (To be honest, I cannot wait for them to be gone, so I do not have to deal with them anymore.) |