Please, please, please remove on death effects!

Seriously, the on death effects are NOT fun. Whoever thought this was a good idea is an absolute sadist. We play this game because it is fun, but this is really pushing me to the brink of quitting. It is especially punishing for me who plays a melee class.

I try to dodge away from effects but i'm 50 years + and my eyesight and refexes arent as good as they used to be. There is nothing as frustrating as beating a hard fight just to die to a massive on death effect that one shots you.

If you need to, please make fights harder but once you defeat a monster let it be dead and let us loot in peace.

Ingame name: Khalayne
Feel free to check my forum store at:
Last bumped on Jan 8, 2025, 8:23:08 PM
Totally agreed with you. Every time I kill a mob, I have to wait for 4 seconds and look carefully if any AOE bombs left.

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