Ideas for Gold Use
1) Portals. People dont like 1 portal, but giving people 6 or infinite portals is also not great either. Instead, let us put gold in the map device to buy up to 2 more portals, but make it cost like 100k gold. That way people will not be able to spam portals on every map, but will instead save it for juiced content or bossing.
2) Maps. Let us reroll maps using gold somehow. Lots of maps get "bricked" for people based on different affixes. For example penetration is an automatic no-go for most builds as you will just get 1 shot by the first mob that sneezes in your direction. But using currency to reroll maps feels bad, so most of us maybe hit it with 1 or 2 chaos and then stop and consider the map 'bricked'. Rerolling tablets is even worse. Trying to get good affixes on tablets is a nightmare and can cost multiple div. Instead, let us use (large sums) of gold to reroll. Im talking like 25k-50k per reroll, 100k if we want to target only prefixes or suffixes and maybe 100k+ to reroll tablets. Let us reroll tablets/waystones using gold. 3) A real auction house. No, not an in game trade system where things can be bought out (terrible idea IMO due to how botting will get super charged from that). Instead, an actual auction house. Let us auction X number of items per day and let other players bid on it, all using in game gold. The auction house would then be a place mostly for higher tier items and uniques, instead of just full of any old trash people put into their dump tabs. It will enable some form of in game trading, without empowering bots (since there wont be instant buyout) and without harming new players (since the value of an item will be determined based on a bidding war and therefore the actual market value of the item). 4) Expanded cosmetics. Weve got a great looking game, its 2024, obviously theres a lot on GGG's plate but at some point the art department will be done transfering MTX or will need a new project. What about tattoos? Hair styles? Hair colors? Not everything needs to be paid MTX. Could be cool to have an in game shop with some very mild cosmetic options for the player character model itself (keeping armor/weapon/effect MTX in game as real world purchases), where I can spend like 500k or 1m gold and get a new hair color or a tattoo. This could even include a dyeing system or something for armor or weapons. Probably wouldnt happen but Im just spitballing here. 5) Atlas functionality. Let us use gold to "buy a boat" to cross over from one area to another that we can see. Or let us use gold to rejuice failed maps (which can never be juiced again in the current system). In essence we need gold sinks and I think there are plenty of possible opportunities for that in end game. Anyone else have other ideas for how gold might be useful in the game? Last edited by Waitn4D4#0477 on Jan 8, 2025, 1:34:10 PM Last bumped on Jan 8, 2025, 3:38:32 PM
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1) nah, either change the portal system or keep it as is
2) sounds good 3) horrible idea, playing right into gold sellers 4) you realize that cosmetics and stash tabs are the only game monetization right? and now you want it for free? wow, so ungrateful 5) doesn't make sense, to what end? |
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" Im suggesting a change to the portal system, exactly right. Let people buy portals but make it costly so people cant just spam portals all day on every map. Make it meaningful and give us something to use gold towards. Bro you cant even trade gold what are you talking about "gold sellers"??? Do you even play the game? Ive also spent $1500 in this game so yeah... "ungrateful". Especially coming from the person whose profile shows 0 packs purchased LOL. Youve been playing since 2017 and have bought 0 packs... When you die in a map it erases all map mechanics and the map becomes completely pointless to attempt again unless you absolutely must run it to get somewhere. Most of the time when they are bricked they are just left and you go do a map thats worth doing. We could in theory use gold to rejuice the map back to its original content so we can attempt it again in a meaningful way. Last edited by Waitn4D4#0477 on Jan 8, 2025, 3:52:26 PM
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