PC Shutting off randomly

I've been experiencing (multiple instances of) my pc switching off completely when playing PoE2.
No other games do this on much higher settings, deeming it PoE2-related.
I've tried multiple things to no avail.

I'm on Win 11 23H2 and not 24H2 (Therefore not limited to 24H2 as I've heard people suggest)
I've tried Vulkan and DX12(Default)
I limited my FPS to 60 and lowered my quality settings
I've set CUP affinity for PoE2 to exclude logical processors 0 and 1

My PC is a recent upgrade and doesn't even get to 50% use on anything, so nothing is being stressed or overheated. (7800X3D, 7900XT, 32GB ram)

Bug report #2,349,445,550
Last bumped on Feb 6, 2025, 4:53:46 PM
rx7600 5700x3d,25 shutdowns today in oasis,bloom,savannah maps only.
im so tired that im thinking of deleting the game and characters
I ended up limiting framerate and turning the settings down and making my fan curve a lot more aggressive on my GPU and the issue went away.

I'm unsure if the two are linked but I just turned everything down so my card wasn't stressed.

I shouldn't need to with a 7900XT, but rather turn all the settings down and play ok, than my computer powering off. It could be something relating to my 1000W PSU (that is less than 1yr old). Maybe it's faulty. But it doesn't do it on any other game... so... unsure. I did my fix and then moved on.
its not ur pc man,there are hundreds reports all over the internet for the shutdowns and we ALL have 7000 series or 6000 series and 90% of us x3d cpus
my pc is a med range, but brand new , im a former pc tech and i stress tf out the pc and played other games on ultra settings but nothing happens.
They need to fix this asap.

BTW yesterday i havent had any shutdowns(30-40 maps),the only thing i changed is to remove my MTX on my char (imagine how many things i tried to think about mtx lol)
removed the 0-1 CPU cores manually and play through steam and not the client.

i will check again later im 24h offline now
I had these issues for about 2 months of PoE 2 and in no other game. I think I've finally found the issue.

My CPU got overheated (Ryzen 5 7600). I have even stress tested all my hardware, but benchmark softwares do not manage to get it as hot as PoE 2, thus showing no faults.

I started by playing with the computer chassi open and then I didn't get any crashes. Later, I upgraded my CPU cooler (ran with stock cooler previously) and now the game runs flawlessly.

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